Friday, July 17, 2009

Living Dangerously

Tonight, I took the girls down to our city's annual summer fair, Lakefair. I had a chance to walk with my 4 year old, and take her on some rides. I made sure Ella held my hand and with all the people around it could be somewhat dangerous letting a little girl run wild down there with such a crowd. As a dad, I always am overprotective of my kids, for obvious reasons. We walked over to the city fountain where all the kids were playing as the weather was still in the 70s at 6pm. Audrey, our youngest danced to the music playing nearby and ran through the fountain a few times. It was a great family night. There was one point where I went on the Ferris Wheel with Ella. We stopped at the top. Now I am not fond of heights, and for the first 10 seconds I was more scared than Ella. Then she kind of took my fear away and started telling me that I would be ok. First, I was like "Phil you need to man up." I breathed, smiled, and thought man I want my kids to not be afraid of life. I would never put them in harm's way, but there will be things that come their way, that may be tough, and when they do i'll be the little voice saying, It's all right, it'll be ok." Tonight my little girl gave me a good little lesson in not being so afraid. After the first few moments the rest of the ride was calm, smooth, and a blast to hang with my little princess.

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