Friday, July 17, 2009

Birthday Celebration

On my 16th birthday, I was given a surprise party. It wasn't until some 14 years later, that I had another one. 30 was a raving 80's party that was a dress up event that caught me off guard. Yesterday I turned 34, and my birthday celebration was a date with my wife. That is all I wanted, uninterrupted one-on-one conversation with Jenelle. The kids, we had some great friends offer to take them so we could go out. Those type of friends rock, by the way. Over the years I have shied away from big ol' birthday celebrations. For me, I'm a quality time guy and I'd rather hang with some friends and family any old given day rather than be the center of attention for a short window of time(some things change with age I guess). So my birthday celbration was a hot date with my wife to Anthony's restaraunt in Olympia. One of the restaurants we had yet to hit since we had been in Oly. I had precious cards written and colored by 3 wonderful kids and an early mornign phone call from Luke, my 7 year old, as he was in Cali, with Nana & Grandpa on vacation. 34 is the age this year, and I look forward to tackling this year with energy, adventure, and perseverance. The key for me to staying young is to make family a priority, think young, think healthy, and live out my life plan.

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