Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Value of a Life Plan

Four years ago I sat down and created a LifePlan. This Life Plan helped me map out areas of my life that needed structure, goals, vision, and action. I found myself in a place where I was aiming at multiple targets and not concentrating on any of them very well. The Life Plan process was simple. I went to a secluded place where any distractions would be void(Oregon Coast on a cliff overlooking the Pacific), turned off my cell phone and began to write. I focused on 7 areas (or accounts) in my life: health, career/church, marriage and family, personal life fulfillment, spiritual life, self development/replenishing, and lifestyle. Over the years this has transformed into a plan that includes 100 dreams, a purpose statement, roles that I desire to lead and live, and a place to keep me accountable to my life plan. This was a great launching point for me to challenge myself through scripture and strategies to live a life that God has designed for me. If you are in a place where you feel like you are in a rut, feeling unmotivated, are not being challenged or accountable to anyone or anything, or are flat out unhappy, I challenge you to find key areas in your life to focus on. Develop a life plan. Build a strategy that will give you a place where you are comfortable with who God made you to be. This is a great tool and I have found it to be rewarding and beneficial as I live out a life of leadership. I trust it can be useful to you too.

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