Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The MJ Infatuation

Michael Jackson was a gifted dancer and singer. He brought the music industry to the place it is today. In the American idol, culture crazed society we live in today, I hope you can see what is wrong with the picture we have created for superstars. I heard a guy explain that he spent $1200 to get to LA to be a part of the MJ funeral lottery (which is disturbing) and then spent $700 on new threads to wear to the memorial service. I'm thinking "really?" This guys wasn't even a shoe-in for the service. The only thing this guy knew about MJ was the fact that he was an iconic hero and he wanted to be a part of the circus, the media created. MJ was talented, but over the last 10 years he had turned more into a circus side show, than an entertainer. Somewhere on the road of his life, something went weird with Michael. Maybe it was his lack of a normal childhood, maybe it was the fame and money, Bubbles-the chimp, I'm just saying, something didn't pan out. We are so quick to annoint him, when in reality his life had spiraled down pretty quick. Upon his death, culture mourned, over-covered the event, and talked about it way too long. Yes, our culture has worshipped him for decades. The sad thing is that people are justifying the many things wrong with the picture because of his talent. Our culture does this with many people that have this pop culture following. We give them an excuse and a pass when they do wrong, because of status. The sad thing is that neither MJ, nor any other celeb is going to save us, or bring us into some unknown reality of a life we live in. I watched some of the over-exposed coverage and I think people are looking for a Savior. People will have to realize that a Savior will come, but it will not be one who is flawed.

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