Wednesday, October 7, 2009


One of the most quoted scriptures in the book of Esther is in 4:14. It is here in the story of Esther that Mordecai reminds her that she has been placed in this position at this time, so she could make a difference. This week I was reminded 3 different times about the story of Esther. I watched a movie entitled "One Night with the King", heard our pastor mention the story a day later, and then happenend upon my devotional reading the story(assigned by a date that coincided with this week). This week I decided to look at my own life and see where God has placed me. So, I stepped back and made some observations. God has created me and positioned me to be a husband, father, pastor, friend, coach, and encourager. I thought of the fabulous wife God put in my life, and the companion that she has become over the years. I played with my kids, and thought of what an incredible responsibility and joy they bring me. I spent some time with the ECC team, where I work this week and realized that God has placed each of them in my life, and I in theirs for such a time is this. I gleam something from everyone that is in my life right now. I know that God has a plan for me, and at times in the last 20 years I have questioned that over and over. But this week, I came to a point in my maturity journey, that I am where I am because God is carving me, using the people I come in contact with everyday, every month, and the occasionial bump from someone who reminds me why I am on this planet of 6 billion people. There are times I wrestle with all that happens in my head and question why it happens, but I truly believe that when I accept God's positioning me for such a time is this, it is my opportunity to gain wisdom, influence when the opportunity arises, and listen to the people around me. I've been on a lot of teams in my life and I loved my role on each one, whether I am a starter, leader, or back up. I love being a part of teams. I'm just glad I'm on those teams, for such a time is this. Maybe a great action to take for you, is to see where you have been placed, and ask yourself these questions: Who am I influencing in my current realities? Who is around me challenging me in various aspects of my life? What areas can I grow in? Am I willing to be stretched?

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