Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A Hit-N-Run Wakeup Call in MAY

After college I moved back home to Portland, OR. It was cool, I moved in with a friend for a month out of prode and not wanting to live at home after living the last four years on my own. But when I realized I could live at home for free, it was a no brainer. I worked 2 jobs and took on an internship, which led to my first ministry job as junior high pastor at Portland Christian Center. I still had occasional seizures here and there, but nothing major. I started dating my future wife, Jenelle, in 1998. She was the first to really see me have a seizure at the magnitude they had started to come to. She explained what I thought was happening and what she saw were two different things. In the Spring of 1999, Iwas hanging out with two boys from our student ministry when I noticed a gash down the side of my driver side door on my 1993 Pontiac Grand Am. We had just been hanging out over pizza, and when I dropped them off, is when I noticed it. I even said something to them and their mom, as she came out to see what we were looking at. I was ticked, to say the least. I was all about keeping my car clean and scratch free. This was a dent as if someone hit me in the parking lot and kept on least that is what I thought.
Two days later Portland Police called me at my new house Jenelle and I had just purchased a month berfore getting married. I picked up the phone and spoke with an officer from the police department. As we talked, I was under the impression someone had called in a hit-n-run on someone bumping my vehicle. I was stoked...for about 5 seconds, when the officer said, "No, you were the one who hit and ran." I responded with a "WHAT"? He said he would like to talk to me and look at my car. So, I met him at the church I worked at, and answered a slew of questions related to the "date" the accident was reported. I had no idea what he was talking about, and the interection it took place at was one I knewof, but barely ever drove through.
After he left, I was walking up to the offices of the church. My dad worked there and so I made a bee line for his office. On the way there, it hit me that I may have had a seizure while driving and actually been at fault. I was freaking out. I was a month from being married and the police were investigating me for a hit-n-run that I don't remember.
I drove to the scene of the crime and the realization of what had happened hit me like a flash back. I remember ending up on a road that I didn't intend to be on, and I remember following a red Jeep down it. It was right there that I knew I had been involved in this accident, but the crazy thing was I remembered the road, a red jeep, and that was it. The accident report read that I had side-swiped a lady's car knocking off the side mirror as I passed her in her Ford Thunderbird. SO, it was right then I knew I had to see the doctor. So, the appointment was set for mid-July, right after our honeymoon.

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