Friday, December 18, 2009

Our Little Star

So today was Ella's Christmas performance. She is our little 5 year old. She was the star. Now obviously every parent thinks their kid is the star, but really she was the STAR. As in she had a star costume on and hovered out by the manger scene on the stage. The wisemen followed her and she stood there with a star outfit on smiling as bright as she could. Every once in a while she would brush the hair out of her eyes, or yawn. Hey stars get tired too, don't they? This week she said she was nervous because she was going to be standing in a costume on stage. We told her not to worry because everyone else would have costumes too. However, we didn't realize she was the "STAR". The only star that brought the wisemen to Jesus in Bethlehem in the Christmas story. What a great role in the story. We are so proud of our little star, Ella. As she was in her Christmas play, we believe that she will be used throughout her life to bring many people to Jesus in her life time. That is our prayer and hope as we pray for our kids to grow into adults who are passionate about Jesus. So as we read the Christmas story out of the Bible this year, we will make some extra special time to talk about the importance of the star, and how it lead people to Jesus. Our desire would be to have each of our kids be "stars" in their own life and the journeys of many other lives.

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