Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tigers with NO Accountability will Morph into Cheetahs.

Accountability is a big word that some of us know is there for us, and some of us know it is not. Let's have a brief history lesson on no accountability starting accountability has led to the fall of Enron, the collapse of the Nation's economy, high profile elected officials dumbing down their crime, athletes caught doping, and this week a Tiger humiliating his entire family. When you type in "accountability" to GOOGLE, you will get 6 million hits, when you type in "lack of accountability" you get over 10 million. There is a problem in culture and it surrounds not being held in account to the things we, as individuals, are responsible for. We have shifted every problem of ours, to be everyone else's problem. A high profile athlete who cheats on his wife will probably claim he is a sex-addict, or maybe had a lapse in judgment(a lapse 10x I might add, and as I write this, but could be 20x by the time I'm done with this sentence the way the flood gates have opened). But hey, the money whore$ are just as at fault for sleeping with a married man, right? Again no accountability on their part. Now some will not bring this up, but I thought I would. When are people going to man up and say, "hey I put the wrong people around me", or "I didn't put anyone around me to hold me accountable." This week I had a friend call and ask me to keep him accountable. Accountable to his code of ethics, his wife, his kids, the Word of God, and said, "man I need someone to ask me the tough questions to keep me straight so I don't mess up". He asked me because he is vulnerable to messing up, just like me, and just like you. The ability to put people around you that are not "YES MEN", but rather real friends with your interest at heart, will take you far and keep you straight. But what we have seen the past few weeks is a champion Tiger, morph into a fast running cheetah. Yeah, avoiding the media when your one of the biggest names in the World, not too smart pal. The point is not that he screwed up, the point is he didn't have the right people around him to keep him from screwing up. So, I ask you, who is around you to keep you accountable in your relationships, your marriage, your business, your finances, your decisions, your future. If you can't think of anyone, you should start thinking through your friends who could walk with you. If you can't think of a friend who would be of help...get some new friends. Here are some great questions to be asked regarding accountablity: - Have you compromised your integrity in any way? Has your thought life been pure? Have you committed any sexual sin? - Have you spent time with God on a regular basis? Did you put yourself in an awkward situation with a woman? What did you do this week to enhance your relationship with your spouse and/or child(ren)? How have you been tempted this week? How did you respond? How has your relationship with Christ been changing?
Did you worship in church this week? What are you wrestling with in your thought life? Are the "visible" you and the "real" you consistent? Have you just lied to me in any of the above questions?

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