Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I love ice cream and remember from going to Baskin Robbins as a five year old kid was a trip that was worth it everytime. I had a whole 31 flavors to choose from. Sometimes it was bubblegum, mint, but most of the time it was chocolate peanut butter. Still to this day, that is a must every visit to the local BR. How fun is picking one ice cream flavor from a whole window of, what seemdd like all the ice cream in the world. All of us seek favor, whether we do so knowingly or not. Favor is defined as the state of being approved or held in regard. In our culture today, that is the goal of most people, sadly it is because they want recognition, kudos, and nototriety. As a matter of fact, we even have an over-played, attention seeking entertainer(if you can call him that, I don't) that uses the name Flavor Fave. The altar ego name is his craving to be the fave in the eyes of others. Favor is actually a word that we see all throughout the Bible. As you read of Samuel, Moses, David, and the likes of those whom this word is associated with, you will find that those who had favor with God, also had favor with men. I love the line in Nehemiah that simply states, "O Lord, let your ear be attentive to the prayer of this your servant… Give your servant success today by granting him favor..." When we seek the Lord's favor I believe that God will grant it. Today, I pray that favor will rest upon my life and that God will establish the work of my hands, just as the Psalmist prayed. Those in spiritual leadership should know that God's favor on your life is an expression of God’s love, affection and blessing. So, go ahead if you were to pick a flavor of the day, make it finding FAVOR in God's eyes, not man's.

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