Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Life Lessons from a 2 year old!

In the past few weeks our youngest daughter, Audrey-who is 2, decided it was time to figure out how to get out of the crib. As I thought about this, the facts are that she can now escape her crib during naps, arise before us all and make her presence known, and get out of bed to declare to us that she is not ready at any time to take a break. It got me thinking from her perspective. Who in their right mind wants to be "caged" up, not free to experience life, or feel that abandonment of when we shut that door for her to sleep. It is part of the growing process, and as we move forward in our loves as adults, it is time for many of us to learn to crawl or climb out of the crib. The crib can come to represent the many things that hold us back in life, because frankly we haven't tried anything new. Maybe it is breaking out of your shell, or living out your faith, learning how to start a conversation, or even manage money. In her case all it took, was hooking her one foot over the top to discover something new and freeing. What is the crib that is holding you back from living a freeing life? We were not created to be held back in life by things that seem overwhelming or limiting. Instead we were created to pursue the things that hold us back and move forward. It is called a life with no limits! Maybe it is a relationship, a past, finances, a job, a feeling, whatever it is-we have to have the mentality that we too can find a way to be freed from a life that can become limiting if we let it. So, think about a situation that may make you feel like a baby sitting in a crib, and then find a solution to hook your foot over that first edge to get you moving toward living a freeing life. I guarantee you that when you find that your life can be one lived with freedom in every aspect of your life, you wish you would have taken the chance to climb out long ago. Audrey made it out and she has found that the unhappiness she found behind those crib's bars is no longer, because a big smile comes across her face when she realizes she is free at last. Now if we could only keep her in her room until the morning alarm went off. No complaints here because I'm constantly looking how to get out of the barriers that are put in front of me sometimes. So live your life, live your life with no limits, or crib bars that keep you from growing and limits your opportunity to get out and be YOU!

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