Thursday, June 24, 2010

Harsh Words SUCK

I learned early on in my life that people respond to you much better when you use words that are not harsh or rude. Now I wasn't a brawler, a fighter, and had no need to show any insecurity by being brash. There is a place for harsh words, there is also a tone. Harsh words spoken in the wrong tone, are normally ignored, or thoughts of how sad the life of the person being harsh must be. In the past, my harsh words came normally out of anger and the fact that I wanted respect. I had a friend say to me one time, that I probably would be respected more if I thought before I spoke. If I didn't rattle off statements I would have to backtrack or regret later. Many times, I have rattled off, or wanted to go off, on someone who needed to shut their pie hole....OK let me re-phrase that...I have had to confront some people who did not have the ability to speak their opinion in a matter that others wanted to listen too. Frankly because they were too harsh, brash, or rude. RUDE people often have issues anyway, which is a different blog, different day. Most times when "brash and harsh talkers, open their mouth", I have learned to shut people them out-as in their mouth is moving and I don't understand or hear a word they are saying, nor do I have a desire too. I don't even really like people like this. If I do have relationship with a person like this, I will pull them aside and say something. If not, I pray someone who does have relationship will let them know that speaking in love gets you farther in life, than being a blow hard with rudeness and harshness attached to your mouth. As I have matured and became a father I have learned to adjust my tones and be firm, frank, and loving. My kids actually respond better and funny friends do to. When I have let bitterness, frustration, anger, or any other trigger get the best of me, I find myself thinking about what that friend said to me, "people will respond to you when you speak firmly, and in love, rather than harshly and out of insecurity, anger, or bitterness." I'm not perfect, but I try to make this a life lesson stick, because how I respond says a lot about who I am, and what I stand for. Those who haven't caught this, probably don't have many friends, or soon won't. If you are HARSH(most don;t know, and the ones who do don;t care-just saying)...pull it together because people who speak up or out like this will not be heard. Plus people who are within ear shot of you blowing up, just lost respect for you. I am tempted to put a string of personalities that fit the bill here...but the fact is you can probably name them yourself. Remember HARSH words SUCK when spoken in the wrong tone.

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