Monday, June 28, 2010


Marriage these days is a hot topic if you want it and can't have it, or the fact that Hollywood relationships last as long as it takes for me to buy new underwear. This past weekend I was a part of my grandparents 60th Wedding Anniversary. 60 YEARS PEOPLE! It was super cool because it was basically a family reunion to celebrate two very special people in my life. My grandpa and grandma are two magnificent people. They have pastored churches up and down the West Coast and are retired super cool peeps now. Although, my grandpa still throws it down from God's Word at the place they live on a weekly basis to other active adults. 60 years with the same person, and some laugh that this notion is impossible. The fact is this is a model marriage because they built it on trust, love, faith, and God. Problem nowadays is a lot of people build theirs on lust, wants, no faith, and fraud. So let me break it down to you why my grandparents marriage rocks: they pray together, they still date, they put each other first, they still say I love you to each other, my grandpa knows how to treat a woman, and my grandma can bake for a guy who likes to eat. They also made this work because they had faith knowing that God would do some awesome things. My grandfather told me once that they lived on the floor of a church and lived on $5 bucks a week. They left some incredible examples for us as kids, grandkids, and now great grandkids. It was a thrill to see them smiling, holding hands, and loving that the people most dear to them-family and friends- were there to celebrate. As a matter of fact, some of the wedding party showed up to celebrate too. Totally cool weekend and a great example of how marriage should be done. When you see two old people (grandparents old) that are in love, you should stop them say thank you for being an example of marriage. I guarantee you, if you encounter a cute couple like my grandparents, wherever you live, hook them up with a dinner and listen, it is well worth the investment for you! The marriage formula-it does exist, you just have to encounter it.

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