Monday, June 7, 2010


This past week, I had the privilege to take a break from the crazy life I live. My wife and I were able to escape (minus the kids) for vacation. Although we have a family vacation-this is truly revolutionary, if you can pull it off. We were able too(thanks mom). Rest. Recreation. Relaxation. For me this includes the following: Sun. Chill Time. Good Eats. Random Routine. These are things I like on my vacation. Kickin' it in shorts, flip-flops and get some beach action is my retreat. It has always been important to me to take the time to get away from the normal pace of life and take a break. In life there are times that are necessary to reload, refuel, relax, and for my health(and yours) it is important to take these times. I have found that during these times, it is great to put yourself in a place where normal routine is wrecked. As a matter of fact, God built us with this need. He put it up there with "Don't Murder, Covet, etc..." It reads every 7th day take a rest. In these times there is opportunity for times of solitude, silence, not the normal routine, and conversations with people you may never see again. For me, I found R,R,&R this year over sunsets, beaches, and even a hammock(overlooking the Pacific Ocean). Rest & Relaxation should be a part of life. I know everyone has different ways this may take shape. I have friends that camp, I have friends that "timeshare", I have friends that work in their yard, or some who just take a few days to get out of the normal routine as they see it. Whatever it is for you, make sure that you take the time to refuel. If you don't eventually you get burnt out, tired, grow weary, restless, and potentially even become dissatisfied with what God has positioned you for.

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