Thursday, June 17, 2010

Your Response...Means Something

Have you ever asked a question to someone in conversation, only to get no response, a glazed stare, or a look over your shoulder by the person who obviously is in another world? YES, we all have. I have also been the one who has been slow to respond-guilty on this end! Response is something that people look for. Whether it is an answer to a question, a movement toward a solution, or your ability to speak up and show you means something. Too many times in our life, I think those in leadership positions, forget that people are waiting for a response. Hello-turn on your news this week. People want action, not inaction; they want a phone message returned today, not tomorrow; they want a conversation, not silence; they want direction, not a map; they want eye contact, not a drive-by look-away; they want leadership to respond. A non-response is rude, and only leads to less respect from the person looking for the response. When you look at the interaction that Jesus had in His conversation, there was response immediately. He understood that response was vital for people. His direct conversations were poignant, and He delivered(no pun intended-but, on 2nd thought-yeah it was iintended.) As you go through your day, think about all the people who expect response from you: spouse, parent, kid, teacher, employer, employee, co-worker, friend, neighbor, and the list goes on and on. Now think of who you expect to respond. The worst thing you could do is remain silent and not respond at all. Especially when crisis is involved. It shows a lack of caring, a lack of concern to the specific need, and it means you are giving a signal that the person waiting a response is not important. In fact they may not be, but a telemarketer is different than someone wanting a response who you may care about. So, do those in your life a favor and make yourself look like you really care! Leaders show they care by response. So, the question is, Do you care enough?

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