Thursday, September 30, 2010


I love enthusiastic people to a degree. I mean I love the people who are genuinely enthusiastic, but then there are some people for whatever reason, and their enthusiasm drives me a little cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Enthusiasm is huge in inspiring others!!! (the exclamation points are to add to the enthusiastic way I wrote what my head was saying in that last statement) I have had friends, leaders, coaches, and even my kids-especially my kids-inspire me by their enthusiasm. Our enthusiasm will inspire others is not a new thought. But think about those in your life that seem to be down, the manner in which you carry yourself around them will either encourage them, or discourage them. I think back of the manner in which my teams I have played on have used enthusiasm to pump us up. Sometimes it was a coach, parent, teammate, cheerleader, or even a song. When you walk through life today, just know that your enthusiasm for life will inspire others. Whether that is a kid, a spouse, a friend, employee, co-worker, or boss, you will make a difference based on your enthusiasm. In scripture, Paul tells us that enthusiasm inspired people to action. I believe that to be true- so today live your life with ENTHUSIASM! Last year I saw it play out as I ran a marathon. The excitement of people cheering me on, spurred me to action to keep running, keep the faith that I would finish, and even overcome excruciating pain to complete the race. In life it is the same thing for those around us. Bring a smile to some one's demeanor today, by being enthusiastic. I know life can bring us unexpected challenges, and that can easily get us down. But don't let challenges get you down, go out with an attitude of enthusiasm to lift people's spirits, and make a difference in those you have influence with. So, I ask you a question: ARE YOU ENTHUSED? I said, ARE YOU ENTHUSED? If not, what will it take!

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Devil & the Zoo

The zoo is a great place to go every once in a while. If you have kids, you probably make it to a zoo at least once a year. If you live in a city with a zoo, or region with a well known one-maybe more than that. Nothing like looking at a chimp with a 3 inch glass barrier in front of you, or see a hyena look at you and imagine that it is laughing at you, and you want to laugh at it. Being caged has got to be pretty bad...lame, let's be honest it probably sucks. For those who have spent time behind bars-I know you concur. In II Timothy 2:26 Paul is writing to Timothy, as Tim has a few people in his church that "were taken captive by the him (the devil) at his will." That phrase 'taken captive' is a Gk word zoogreo- which means to take an animal alive (notice the first few letters of that Gk word). Put an image in your mind of the hunters that are aggressively hunting down animals to place in zoos. Now imagine the devil, the hunter, hunting you-the prey- down, and putting you in a cage. That is what happens when we let the devil get a stronghold in our life. The word here is simple- people can simply let negative behaviors into their life-bitterness, resentment, strife, you name a sin and insert here _____, etc... and then the devil seizes that in this person's life and stokes it, and cages them in this ungodly behavior. The Bible tells us that the devil has schemes, and we must put on the Armor of God to protect us from these schemes. This message written by Paul to Timothy was to make sure those Christ following believers would not let their heart and head be taken captive to cause disruption to the local church leadership. The devil is all about putting a wedge between people. Don't let that wedge drive you to the point where you too are a part of the zoo exhibit. Dare not to be caged by the devil, and before you accuse someone of something-get the facts, think forgiveness, and find a friend who will be straight up with you. The zoo is a fun place to observe, but a terrible place to be locked up-the devil will do what he can to get you in the zoo. If you have something bothering you that needs to be said to someone-maybe a major issue-think about a conversation or perhaps, slow down get some perspective and really hash out what is bothering you-1 to 2 years from now it may not be a big deal. But, I say it again-don't get put in the zoo, because the devil had his way with you. The zoo, a great place for animals, but not you!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How to Make Someone's Day

Last night I got a call from a buddy of mine. He literally made my day. This friend is unique on so many levels. He is one person I have allowed into my life that can 'shoot straight' and I will listen. My friend lives 120+ miles away and on occasion we will trade phone calls just to catch up. This friend of mine worked alongside me for years as a youth leader in one of my ministry assignments.
Based on his conversation with me, I want to explain ways you can make someone's day-TODAY. Here are ways I was reminded of yesterday by my friend:
1.) He called me out of the blue just to say hi and check in to see how I was doing.
2.) He had a word of encouragement that I needed to hear.
3.) He told me he was praying for me and that God put me on his mind-so he called.
4.) He thanked me for letting him be him, and said how much he appreciated my friendship.
5.) We talked life and laughed.

As I got off the phone I thought of how many times I fail to call a friend who I haven't see or heard from in a long time and just check in with the same ideas mentioned above. So, who has God put on your mind today? Which friend (one you see all the time, one you haven't seen for a while, one who you miss talking with) needs to be called? Pick up the phone and makes someones day.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Confidence- Come Get Some

Confidence is something that seems to exude from some people in the our culture. Whatever platform they have, whether small-the local junior high school scene, or large-a social cause or public setting, we can always find confident people. I love to observe people. Sometimes I see confidence on the outside and deep down I see many insecurities. Some of the people who should be most confident, are not for some reason or another. These people that I speak of are those who have confidence in Christ, yet they are not confident in who they are in Christ. Confidence can be defined as a deep sense of assurance, or belief and trust. I love Psalm 142 which speaks of the psalmist who finds confidence in the Lord. This passage of scripture is a great example as you walk through life know that God walks with you. For some of you, this may be something you recognize for others, God is there and if you cry out to Him and recognize God is with you-then God will make himself known to you. Today I find my confidence in Christ. When the world seems to be spiraling down hill, when leaders are not leading, when heroes disappoint, when you feel alone-be confident that God is with you and is your refuge. Today find confidence in Him. You can be confident in Christ-that is a promise we can live and build our life on. SO, I invite you...CONFIDENCE-get some!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Walk This Way

This past weekend I had the privilege to speak on a person, not too many people really know is in the Bible. He is only spoken of in 3 passages of scripture, most are drive by reads. However, this dude is listed in Hebrews 11, aka the Hall of Faith. In Genesis 5 you will find him in the genealogy of Seth, and we only know a few things about him based on scripture. The two big things that pop out to me which I focused on was that he "walked with God". In scripture, Noah is the only other that is accredited with that statement attached to his name. The other thing found in Hebrews 11, was that because of his faith, he pleased God. Sometimes we can easily read over names like Enoch, and not think much about the significance of these statements. Challenge yourself as you dig deep in God's Word to really grasp how you can become like Enoch-one who walked with God and pleased God. There is one other Enoch mentioned in the Bible, in Genesis 4-interestingly enough- all we know about him is he had a city named after him. (that city has yet to be dug up by archaeologists). This week make steps to be the 2nd Enoch mentioned in the Bible-as one who walked with God; not the 1st Enoch who had a city named after him and that is it. Enoch #2 walked with God...I want to walk this way!