Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How to Make Someone's Day

Last night I got a call from a buddy of mine. He literally made my day. This friend is unique on so many levels. He is one person I have allowed into my life that can 'shoot straight' and I will listen. My friend lives 120+ miles away and on occasion we will trade phone calls just to catch up. This friend of mine worked alongside me for years as a youth leader in one of my ministry assignments.
Based on his conversation with me, I want to explain ways you can make someone's day-TODAY. Here are ways I was reminded of yesterday by my friend:
1.) He called me out of the blue just to say hi and check in to see how I was doing.
2.) He had a word of encouragement that I needed to hear.
3.) He told me he was praying for me and that God put me on his mind-so he called.
4.) He thanked me for letting him be him, and said how much he appreciated my friendship.
5.) We talked life and laughed.

As I got off the phone I thought of how many times I fail to call a friend who I haven't see or heard from in a long time and just check in with the same ideas mentioned above. So, who has God put on your mind today? Which friend (one you see all the time, one you haven't seen for a while, one who you miss talking with) needs to be called? Pick up the phone and makes someones day.

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