Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Walk This Way

This past weekend I had the privilege to speak on a person, not too many people really know is in the Bible. He is only spoken of in 3 passages of scripture, most are drive by reads. However, this dude is listed in Hebrews 11, aka the Hall of Faith. In Genesis 5 you will find him in the genealogy of Seth, and we only know a few things about him based on scripture. The two big things that pop out to me which I focused on was that he "walked with God". In scripture, Noah is the only other that is accredited with that statement attached to his name. The other thing found in Hebrews 11, was that because of his faith, he pleased God. Sometimes we can easily read over names like Enoch, and not think much about the significance of these statements. Challenge yourself as you dig deep in God's Word to really grasp how you can become like Enoch-one who walked with God and pleased God. There is one other Enoch mentioned in the Bible, in Genesis 4-interestingly enough- all we know about him is he had a city named after him. (that city has yet to be dug up by archaeologists). This week make steps to be the 2nd Enoch mentioned in the Bible-as one who walked with God; not the 1st Enoch who had a city named after him and that is it. Enoch #2 walked with God...I want to walk this way!

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