Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Confidence- Come Get Some

Confidence is something that seems to exude from some people in the our culture. Whatever platform they have, whether small-the local junior high school scene, or large-a social cause or public setting, we can always find confident people. I love to observe people. Sometimes I see confidence on the outside and deep down I see many insecurities. Some of the people who should be most confident, are not for some reason or another. These people that I speak of are those who have confidence in Christ, yet they are not confident in who they are in Christ. Confidence can be defined as a deep sense of assurance, or belief and trust. I love Psalm 142 which speaks of the psalmist who finds confidence in the Lord. This passage of scripture is a great example as you walk through life know that God walks with you. For some of you, this may be something you recognize for others, God is there and if you cry out to Him and recognize God is with you-then God will make himself known to you. Today I find my confidence in Christ. When the world seems to be spiraling down hill, when leaders are not leading, when heroes disappoint, when you feel alone-be confident that God is with you and is your refuge. Today find confidence in Him. You can be confident in Christ-that is a promise we can live and build our life on. SO, I invite you...CONFIDENCE-get some!

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