Thursday, September 30, 2010


I love enthusiastic people to a degree. I mean I love the people who are genuinely enthusiastic, but then there are some people for whatever reason, and their enthusiasm drives me a little cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Enthusiasm is huge in inspiring others!!! (the exclamation points are to add to the enthusiastic way I wrote what my head was saying in that last statement) I have had friends, leaders, coaches, and even my kids-especially my kids-inspire me by their enthusiasm. Our enthusiasm will inspire others is not a new thought. But think about those in your life that seem to be down, the manner in which you carry yourself around them will either encourage them, or discourage them. I think back of the manner in which my teams I have played on have used enthusiasm to pump us up. Sometimes it was a coach, parent, teammate, cheerleader, or even a song. When you walk through life today, just know that your enthusiasm for life will inspire others. Whether that is a kid, a spouse, a friend, employee, co-worker, or boss, you will make a difference based on your enthusiasm. In scripture, Paul tells us that enthusiasm inspired people to action. I believe that to be true- so today live your life with ENTHUSIASM! Last year I saw it play out as I ran a marathon. The excitement of people cheering me on, spurred me to action to keep running, keep the faith that I would finish, and even overcome excruciating pain to complete the race. In life it is the same thing for those around us. Bring a smile to some one's demeanor today, by being enthusiastic. I know life can bring us unexpected challenges, and that can easily get us down. But don't let challenges get you down, go out with an attitude of enthusiasm to lift people's spirits, and make a difference in those you have influence with. So, I ask you a question: ARE YOU ENTHUSED? I said, ARE YOU ENTHUSED? If not, what will it take!

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