Monday, February 27, 2012

Things I learned Coaching 1-2 graders

This last weekend my first head coaching gig came to an end. I had the privilege to coach the Lil' Lady Sting basketball team. It was made up of girls from 1 & 2 grade. In the league, they didn't keep score on a game clock, although the girls knew what the score was week to week. We didn't keep track of wins and losses, although coach would say 4-3. I had a blast. Here are some coaching lessons I learned or was reminded of after coaching these girls from November-February:
  • The concept of winning is instilled inside a kid!
  • Rewards motivate people.
  • Motivation is found in very small things at times.
  • Practice makes better.
  • Team sports are a must for kids.
  • Time flies-so take the most of opportunities presented to you.
  • Your enthusiasm sets the pace for those around you!
  • The attention spans of 1-2 grade girls is...ooooh look a bird.
  • Girls are highly all ages.
  • Leadership traits can be identified as early as 1st grade.
  • Kids respond well when parents invest in their lives.
  • Follow the Leader & the Quiet Game are fun at all stages of life.
  • Snack time is a huge part of the game.
  • Hi-Fives should be given every day to a team member you see.
  • Growth happens when you learn what it takes to get better, and do it.
  • A coach should push every team member to become better.
  • A coaching connection is vital for the sake of the team.
  • Celebrate the wins and don't dwell on losses for too long.
  • Investing in the lives of kids is a rewarding experience.
So many more things come to mind, but the fact is, I was truly blessed coaching this great group of girls.

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