Wednesday, February 25, 2009


It is amazing to me how fast the dot.commUNITYs are taking off. I am one of 170 million people on one of the social networks, and I have quite a few friends (and yes I know them all). Recently I had an old friend contact me, I hadn't seen him since elementary school, 21 years ago-pretty WILD! One thing I have learned is that my ability to connect with people is way better in person than over the computer. I don't have to decipher between how to read a person in most face to face convo's, as I do many a times in online exchanges. I have also found true community comes with a group of people who can sit down and talk life in a fun, real, long drawn out, or even short convo. I do love the social networks that give me a chance to connect with friends I haven't seen for a while, or for that matter live over 500 miles away. But nothing beats sitting down for a coffee or a good talk with a friend. As a matter of fact, I need to do it more. Friends are one thing in life, I can't live without. (I'm a high "I" on the DISC) That being said, think about your online friends, and if you have access to taking one out for coffee(or a milkshake if you aren't into coffee) and have a really good conversation that is not "online surfacey", pick up the phone now and make that happen. dotcommUNITY happens best face to face and over a period of time, not online in a few sentence exchange. So, make the most of your friendships and hang with the people you call friends.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Insane Christianity

I was reading in the book of Acts today when I came across a phrase that I had not read in quite some time. Paul was speaking in defense to his actions. Those actions being spreading the message of Jesus Christ in various settings. Paul is then seized by the Jews and brought forth to defend his actions. As Paul is speaking, he is interupted and told, "You are out of your mind, Paul"...Your great learning is driving you insane." Paul's response is simple-"I am not insane". Then Paul goes on record to say, short time or long-I pray that God that not only you but anyone who is listening will become what I am. I love every exchange that takes place to the very end when Paul is should be free. I love the insane part of this passage, because Paul is preaching Jesus, and for it he is accused of being insane. "Are you out of your're mind?" I have been asked that many times in differing scenarios; but if I was ever challenged on the question in response for being a Christ Follower and speaking about Jesus, my response would be, "not out of my mind, just insane." Being a Christ Follower is something I want to be known for, and with it may come persecution and objection, but it will always be well worth it. Insane Christianity has a ring, and I like it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

People Need Friends with Fridge Rights

Not everyone has them, but I have a few that do. I also have them in a few places. I am talking refrigerator rights. These are simply the people I am comfortable with to walk into their house open the fridge and help myself. Not everyone has them in my house, and I don't have them in every house I am in. However, we are at a place in America where we need to get off the computer and stop watching television and connect with humans. This past year I moved and I lost a lot of refrigerator rights from those around me, and it went both ways. However, the best way to give people the rights, or earn them myself is to bjuild relationship with people. My 4 year old was overheard saying that she didn't have any friends this last week. Her brother chimed in that he and her little sis are two of her best friends. So, now I remind him about that as he is tattle-taling. Point is this...take a frined out this week for coffee, invite them over to hang out, or just find someone who needs encouragement and build fridge rights. People need friends, and that fact of life is they need fridge rights, but those come with time, relationship, and connection. So, make an effort and find some new friends.

Monday, February 2, 2009


I have had some great coaches in my athletic career. I have played on some great teams. There were leagues championships, undefeated seasons, and a few awards for my skill. Each team I have ever played on was coached. My coaches always saw something I didn't and pushed me to get to where I wanted to be. In 7th grade it was using my left hand. In 11th grade it was completely changing my shot to get a higher release. Later in life, I have had a coach help me navigate lifeplans, dream, and envision change. Coaching is a great tool for anyone, in any place in life. The coaching industry has become a hot one for Fortune 500 companies leaders. I love the coaching process because it puts some one in my life who will push me to find the greatest potential in myself. So, just like Coach Hartley, Reed, Fendall, and Thomas all taught me things, so I too hope to be able to coach others in areas of life that will develop them. Coaching, don't underestimate one because they will always see what you can't and help develop you.

The Above the Law Mentality

There are laws in the USA, that if broken have severe consequences. Murder, stealing, dealing, wreckless driving, and a ton more. Within the last 24 hours there seems to be a number of high profile people who have lived their lives as if laws do not apply to them. There is the all Olympic athelete who was caught with a bong. An err of judgment? True that. Yes, people mess up. Here are the facts...drugs make you look stupid, act stupid, and be stupid. So, when all these other people took defense of Phelps saying, "it was a bong hit, no big deal"; they were playing into the fact that because he is Phelps, he deserves a pass. Then there was a Senator who failed to pay his taxes, and is getting a free-pass. The last guy in the news for this is now in control of the same organization he was cheating. Very Interesting. This latest guy, a politician, who is a part of the "boys club" called the Senate. So much for change. I'm just saying two nominations of high profile men, who don't pay taxes, by this administration. Wow, that is some thing else. What has occurred is there are people who start to live their life as if they have gained so much power, prestige, and prosperity that these people think they can get away with anything. Politicians, athletes, religious leaders, actors, and the list of the above the law mentality keeps growing. If it was you or me avoiding taxes, we would have the IRS breathing down our backs, an arrest warrant with our name on it, and if it was you or I caught taking a bong hit, we'd have people in our life telling us to get it together, not making excuses for us. At least they better tell us that and not make excuses.
We will all stand before God some day and we will be able to give an account for every action we have taken. I live my life with that in mind, not the thought of living above anyone else, or having this I can't get caught mentality. If I break the law, then I should be held accountable, and so should these people no matter who they are. Live your life, but remember that every decision you make, or I make, is followed by an action that will be positive or negative.