Thursday, February 12, 2009

People Need Friends with Fridge Rights

Not everyone has them, but I have a few that do. I also have them in a few places. I am talking refrigerator rights. These are simply the people I am comfortable with to walk into their house open the fridge and help myself. Not everyone has them in my house, and I don't have them in every house I am in. However, we are at a place in America where we need to get off the computer and stop watching television and connect with humans. This past year I moved and I lost a lot of refrigerator rights from those around me, and it went both ways. However, the best way to give people the rights, or earn them myself is to bjuild relationship with people. My 4 year old was overheard saying that she didn't have any friends this last week. Her brother chimed in that he and her little sis are two of her best friends. So, now I remind him about that as he is tattle-taling. Point is this...take a frined out this week for coffee, invite them over to hang out, or just find someone who needs encouragement and build fridge rights. People need friends, and that fact of life is they need fridge rights, but those come with time, relationship, and connection. So, make an effort and find some new friends.

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