Monday, February 2, 2009

The Above the Law Mentality

There are laws in the USA, that if broken have severe consequences. Murder, stealing, dealing, wreckless driving, and a ton more. Within the last 24 hours there seems to be a number of high profile people who have lived their lives as if laws do not apply to them. There is the all Olympic athelete who was caught with a bong. An err of judgment? True that. Yes, people mess up. Here are the facts...drugs make you look stupid, act stupid, and be stupid. So, when all these other people took defense of Phelps saying, "it was a bong hit, no big deal"; they were playing into the fact that because he is Phelps, he deserves a pass. Then there was a Senator who failed to pay his taxes, and is getting a free-pass. The last guy in the news for this is now in control of the same organization he was cheating. Very Interesting. This latest guy, a politician, who is a part of the "boys club" called the Senate. So much for change. I'm just saying two nominations of high profile men, who don't pay taxes, by this administration. Wow, that is some thing else. What has occurred is there are people who start to live their life as if they have gained so much power, prestige, and prosperity that these people think they can get away with anything. Politicians, athletes, religious leaders, actors, and the list of the above the law mentality keeps growing. If it was you or me avoiding taxes, we would have the IRS breathing down our backs, an arrest warrant with our name on it, and if it was you or I caught taking a bong hit, we'd have people in our life telling us to get it together, not making excuses for us. At least they better tell us that and not make excuses.
We will all stand before God some day and we will be able to give an account for every action we have taken. I live my life with that in mind, not the thought of living above anyone else, or having this I can't get caught mentality. If I break the law, then I should be held accountable, and so should these people no matter who they are. Live your life, but remember that every decision you make, or I make, is followed by an action that will be positive or negative.

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