Thursday, February 19, 2009

Insane Christianity

I was reading in the book of Acts today when I came across a phrase that I had not read in quite some time. Paul was speaking in defense to his actions. Those actions being spreading the message of Jesus Christ in various settings. Paul is then seized by the Jews and brought forth to defend his actions. As Paul is speaking, he is interupted and told, "You are out of your mind, Paul"...Your great learning is driving you insane." Paul's response is simple-"I am not insane". Then Paul goes on record to say, short time or long-I pray that God that not only you but anyone who is listening will become what I am. I love every exchange that takes place to the very end when Paul is should be free. I love the insane part of this passage, because Paul is preaching Jesus, and for it he is accused of being insane. "Are you out of your're mind?" I have been asked that many times in differing scenarios; but if I was ever challenged on the question in response for being a Christ Follower and speaking about Jesus, my response would be, "not out of my mind, just insane." Being a Christ Follower is something I want to be known for, and with it may come persecution and objection, but it will always be well worth it. Insane Christianity has a ring, and I like it.

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