Monday, February 2, 2009


I have had some great coaches in my athletic career. I have played on some great teams. There were leagues championships, undefeated seasons, and a few awards for my skill. Each team I have ever played on was coached. My coaches always saw something I didn't and pushed me to get to where I wanted to be. In 7th grade it was using my left hand. In 11th grade it was completely changing my shot to get a higher release. Later in life, I have had a coach help me navigate lifeplans, dream, and envision change. Coaching is a great tool for anyone, in any place in life. The coaching industry has become a hot one for Fortune 500 companies leaders. I love the coaching process because it puts some one in my life who will push me to find the greatest potential in myself. So, just like Coach Hartley, Reed, Fendall, and Thomas all taught me things, so I too hope to be able to coach others in areas of life that will develop them. Coaching, don't underestimate one because they will always see what you can't and help develop you.

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