Tuesday, November 3, 2009


The day before brain surgery was a Sunday. I remember it well, as I was a junior high pastor and we had church that day. We met in the gym in that day and we we did a little head shaving ceremony to get everyone ready for the surgery. I had one of my great friends, Mark, come in and cut the hair off. A few boys in the youth group decided they would cut their hair off too. It was a cool moment despite the day that was to follow. I was in a mood to celebrate but in no mood to celebrate. I know an oxymoron, but really my emotions were mixed. I didn't want pictures or anything, something I would later regret. I had plenty of tests to prepare for this major brain surgery. They cut my speech off while I was fully able to function. they ran a test that tested my short term memory, which they took away and I couldn't remember anything after 90 seconds. It was crazy stuff. But I was ready for surgery and wanted to be over with. If I needed to be rehabilitated, then lets get it on. My life would go on, and I was ready to stop having seizures forever. I just wanted sure how this was going to go. I wasn't really scared I was just wondering how I would recover.

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