Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Go Ahead, Make My Day!

I find it important to go out of my way to make someone's day. I do this because I know how much I appreciate it when someone make's mine. Sometimes I know the person who made it because they make themselves known, other times it may come as an anonymous surprise. Recently I have tried to be intentional about the concept. It doesn't come out of selfish reasoning, it doesn't come out of pride, it comes out of the fact that I find joy in it. Have you ever met a genuinely nice person(possibly a stranger) who made your day by greeting you, making you laugh, paying for your coffee habit, or just happened to put you first? I have met people like that and because of them, I want to make sure the way they made me feel, is reciprocated in how I am. I have a friend who makes my day when he calls me, just to say he was wondering how I was doing. You've heard the phrase, "Go ahead, make my day." It was actually voted on in 2005, as the 6th most quoted and recognizable movie line in AFI history, from the movie Sudden Impact. That is what I want encourage you with today- think about making someone's day, just because you can, not because it will bring you great reward. Be creative, be simple, be you! Today, my day was made by sitting with a bunch of 2nd graders eating lunch and helping in their class. Then I was invited out to play kickball on recess. Pretty cool and pretty out of my normal routine...but definitely worth it. So go ahead, make someone's day! BECAUSE YOU CAN.

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