Monday, March 1, 2010

Why Chaos Happens!

Chaos can be both something that is fun to be a part of(I'm thinking a crowd of people cheering for a team) or something that can be very tragic. This past weekend, I was a part of something that could have been chaotic for me and my entire family. I happened to be driving to an event for pastors. I passed the church I was headed to and decided to turn around. As I did, this car came up on my bumper and literally stopped me. I was a little shocked. Out ofc the corner of my eye, I had caught a teenage kid waiting by a school. Before I knoew what to do-this guy who could easily have been a lineman for most professional football teams jumps out of his car, and walks toward mine. I rolled my window down in a cool fashion and was like, what's up man? (mind you I'm 6' and a buck 85 wet. He said, and I am not even joking- "did you pull guns on my kid?" The first give away should have been the car seats in the back of my ride, because I roll hard core as a dad! I was like "no dude unless you are talking about my arms", and then I dropped I'm a pastor line. That one works although I only pull it out if I am feeling threatened and for a split second I did. NOt syaing it works, and I have only used it maybe one other time in my life. By that time the kid was like "Dad, wrong car, wrong guy, dad." In an instant I was ready to roll the guy if I needed. He apologized and shook my hand and apologized again. It got me thinking though-this is why are society is all jacked up-because people don't think before the act. Retaliation happens because emotions can threats are not held in check. As I drove away I said you need any help, and the dad said, "no man, I got some friends." The rest of the day went on without any gunshots being heard, but I'm just saying-chaos is crazy!

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