Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hallelujah-it's fun to say for so many reasons!

Hallelujah, it was a word that I was introduced too early on in life. I heard people sing it, verbalize it, and pray with it. For the past 3 decades singers from all genres have released songs with this word in the title. One version, written by Cohen and sung by Buckley, was recorded in 1994, and was in the TOP 5 on charts all over the word as recent as 2008. The word HALLELUJAH is a word with Latin & Hebrew roots that is a universal word meaning an expression of joy and praise to God. Throughout scripture you will find word being used to honor God for victory, glory, His goodness, and for His mighty reign. As a kid I used to say it because it was a fun word, and really like the song where we did hand motions using the word in children's church on Sundays. Now I have a different appreciation for it, because I understand it beyond a song or hand motions. I can say Hallelujah for many things in my life. Here is a prayer my father wrote using the word. Read it and personalize it for you today:

Hallelujah for your salvation.
Hallelujah for the power of the Holy Spirit.
Hallelujah for your peace in my storms.
Hallelujah for your provision for every need.
Hallelujah for the music you have sent my way to lift my spirits.
Hallelujah for my family that continues to encourage me daily.
Hallelujah for my friends that cheer me on.
Hallelujah, that Jesus is Lord of my life.
Hallelujah, Amen! Amen!

When I read that prayer and apply it to my day and express my joy and praise to God, it already makes it a good day. Hallelujah, it is a word with great meaning, its fun to say, and it is bringing praise to God who deserves it. So, dwell on this word for today, and apply it as you live your day out!

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