Thursday, March 11, 2010

Noble: A Lost Word in A Lost Culture

When you hear the word 'noble' ring through your eardrums, it may spark imagery of castles, knights in shining armor, royalty, or an English countryside. Nobility refers to grandeur or magnificence; state or quality of being noble; or a class of body in a country. The word noble speaks of possessing high moral qualities. The fact is we don't hear the word tied to too many in our culture today, because it is a lacking quality in many. But WHY? Throughout the Bible we see the word used to describe those with high morals. Ruth is described as a woman of noble character, the woman in Proverbs 31 is alluded as one who surpasses many noble women, and "happy is the land whose King is a noble leader" Ecc. 10:17.
If there were words that would be used to describe me, I would hope that "NOBLE" is one that would come to mind. Culture is filled with imperfect people who are full of themselves, but our culture also is filled with noble, righteous, and integrous people. The fact is-the noble one's don't always make the news because they are...well, noble. They possess high moral quality, and therefore must not be news worthy. After all NOBLE people don't really sell magazines, it is the scandalous rebel who will normally sell more. (unless it is a story of heroism that is involved, but heroism and nobility are different.) A few weeks ago I hung a scripture verse next to my desk to memorize.

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Today as I re-read the verse and say the word 'NOBLE', it puts in perspective the type of man I aim to be. Most of us don't use this word in our everyday vocabulary, because "noble" has become unpopular, forgotten, and missed by many. I hope that as a culture we can go back to the times when nobility was used in naming people, groups, cultures, and systems. Nobility may not bring accolades or attention why you live on this earth, but that is OK. The gospel of Luke says "But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop." If being noble produces a 'crop' as referred to in scripture then, YES I want to be NOBLE. A lost word for many in our culture, but hopefully not you!

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