Monday, April 30, 2012

Leadership Words to Describe You

Almost 2 years ago, the world lost a coaching legend. John Wooden, the Wizard of Westwood. This coach had one losing season(his first year) in 40+ years of coaching. What was amazing about this leadership legend was that he set a precedent as a leader that is simply amazing. When former players are asked to describe John Wooden they roll out words like: "caring, driven, professional, organized, moral, gracious, honest, patient, loyal, demanding", and the list goes on and on-literally for a long while. When asked to describe words that would be complaints of this find few. These were players who didn't start, did not like the offense, and even then offered rare complaints. This is a mark of a true leader. 
YES-you will have critics. John Wooden did. You will also have those who don't agree with every opinion, suggestion, leadership move, or decision. However, to be able to have people you lead use the words that were used to describe John Wooden, would be quite the compliment. As you lead through life in different circles- PTA, city meetings, a church small group, your family, neighborhood association, business team, or employees think of the way you lead and the words described by the people you lead. 
The reason John Wooden is a legend and voted the Coach of the Century-wasn't all about winning, it was about his principles, character, faith, and leadership. John Wooden may have been old school but his lessons and example of leadership principles lived out are legendary and should be re-ushered in to the environments we find ourselves in. So, what are the words that describe your leadership abilities? I have one of John Wooden's leadership books sitting on a stand in my office.  It is a reminder to me that great leadership is reachable.  You may not have these qualities now, but it is never too late to start on the road of being a legendary leader with the people in your circles. It starts today, get on with it already.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

At Least Offer Hope!

If you could give up an hour of your life to save a life, or at least offer hope, would you? I read a story about a group of people who saw the opportunity to save a life, and did everything in their power to try and help, but to no avail. The person in charge decided for whatever reason, it wasn't worth turning around. The result was two 16 year old kids dead at sea. The drama played out on the high seas this week, when a group of bird watchers on a cruise ship spotted a stranded boat in the middle of the ocean. These professionals had the right equipment and realized something wasn't right. They did everything they possibly could; but as I write this the captain of the ship is being investigated because he failed to live up to a code he accepted when he became a captain. Regulation 33 of the Int. Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea(SOLAS) Chapter V states in as many words states: the master of a ship must help if any sign of distress is assumed.
Of the 3 seen on the little boat at sea, only one survived an 18 year old kid, who was picked up almost a day later, 600+ miles from land. A sad story indeed.
There are many that show signs of distress we see or may come across. In reality, we could offer hope daily to a small portion of this world that is dying from a lack of it. I know I can't save everyone from everything; but we can offer hope. In this life opportunities will present themselves to help and give someone a glimpse there is a chance at living longer, being released from bondage, getting something to eat, or hearing about the love that Jesus offers. How about it? Some will be on your radar and some may pop up spontaneously, either way when the opportunity presents itself-we need to respond. If you feel the check in your spirit to help, don't expect the next person to help. At least offer the HOPE!

Monday, April 16, 2012

What's the Dream

Someone asked me last week, "what's the dream?" The question was pertaining to my life's dream. A couple years ago I was challenged to write 100 Dreams out on paper. I managed to split them into a number of categories and went from there. The inspiration came from reading Matthew Kelly's book, The Dream Manager. (A New York times bestseller) After the first 15 dreams were written out, I thought this may be a little harder than I thought. But for a dreamer, the dreams started coming quickly. I had dreams of physical accomplishments, family adventures, spiritual conquests, and vacations only seen on commercials and in magazines. Because I have thought this way, the answer to the question comes naturally. Although my life's dreams shift, shape, and some have been finished, I still dream. Some dreams have not been revealed, and for that I wait with anticipation. Dreaming is great, but when you can put something together to start turning dreams into reality, then you are moving in the right direction. So, what are your dreams? Have you even stopped to think about them? Is dreaming a priority in your life? What is stopping you from dreaming big? The term Big Hairy Audacious Goals(BHAGs) has been around since 1994's book, Built to Last, came on the scene. I would encourage you to take some time and think of those scary and crazy big dreams. You never know what can come out of a DREAM SESSION. Take action & plan something now. Turn off all distracting devices and electronics and get alone, and just dream.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bell Bottoms, Empires, & the Decay of Responsibility

I have heard it said, "History Repeats Itself". I remember when my grandparents gave me their "retro" lamps from their living room circa 1971-and they were already cool for the 2nd time around. Both Bell-Bottoms(60-70s) & Tight pants(80s) came back already since their initial debut. Hollywood is reproducing all the cult classics and hits from the past 40 years-with new faces and new techniques. Same story, different dance.
So, yeah, do you remember the last great empire to fall? In recent years I have read reports of the great cities of America that are in decline. First one that comes to mind is Detroit. A once thriving metropolis that was built on an industry that crashed and looks more ghost town-like with factories sitting empty. Other cities built on industries that are dying soon follow. The last great empire to die...was Rome. I have visions of the great city of Rome- based on movies and pictures I have seen and the books I have read. The Roman Empire, was at one time, the greatest empire the world had ever seen. I came across an excerpt from the book THE DECLINE AND FALL OF ROME, by Edward Gibbon, written in 1788. In the book he highlights 5 reasons the Roman Empire withered & died:
  1. The undermining of the dignity and sanctity of the home.
  2. Higher & higher taxes.
  3. The mad craze for pleasure.
  4. The building of great armaments, when the real enemy was within: AKA-the decay of individual responsibility.
  5. The decay of religion; faith fading into mere form, losing touch with life, losing power to guide people.
So, read these once again out loud and instead of thinking Roman Empire, replace now with the title, The Decline & the Fall of the United States of America.
Wow, those 5 reasons, look as if Gibbon wrote this book about America and released it last week.

I have heard history repeats itself. The sad part is that all these 5 reasons mentioned above are a huge part of the contemporary culture of America. I'm proud to be from America, and I admit some of the above I have no control over. But there are a few, that I do and I have a voice. Bell bottoms were cool for me the 2nd time around, although I preferred the butterfly collared shirts way better. The fact is, I sure hope we can change the pattern up a little in America. That is the role of the citizen to use your voice. So, will you? or will you sit by and watch the Fall of the Great Empire known as the United States of America?

Ball's in our, the people's, court.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

His Death Has Your Sins Covered Bro

It's been a long time since I set foot into a club, but I hear commercials all the time for them and the cover charge to get in. I'm reflecting right now on the ultimate cover charge that was paid for me. This week millions all over the world partake in cultural practices to re-live, remember, and rejoice for what Easter represents. The resurrection changes everything. It is the ultimate game changer in human history. Naturally I am a sinner. There is no way around it. I can't pretend, can't fake it, and can't even run from it. I'm broken, depraved, and a sinner...but the cross changes all that. It isn't the symbol of the cross, but rather the meaning of the cross. As Jesus laid on the cross and had his hands and feet nailed to the cross, I think of the blood and the sacrifice. I do! It means everything to me, and I have prepped my whole life's plan and have waged everything I have for people to know about the cross. It was on that cross every sin I have committed, will commit, or even think about, was nailed as Jesus said, No, No, I got this for you. I'm not alone, His death has your sins covered bro.
Let that sink in.

The cross is the game changer in human history and for me it is what I build my life on. I don't know where you are at, what you struggle with, or what may hold you down. Know this though, you can be forgiven, your sin was covered bro.
On the cross Jesus bore sin for all humanity-past, present, & future. Don't let sin hold you back, and don't let Satan keep you a prisoner. BE FREE-Christ's death on the cross was your ticket to freedom. So how can you be free? Recognize you are a sinner and ask to be forgiven; Believe Christ died and rose again; and commit to live a life for Christ. Finally tell someone. When you recognize the power of Christ; bro, life changes. It's not all perfect, but it is a rush and experience of freedom from your former life.
Easter is about the victory we find in Jesus upon His resurrection. That's right-in case you haven't heard, Jesus rose again. Can't make this stuff up. No other god has a story to tell like that, but then again Jesus wasn't just any god.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail

As a kid I heard a phrase, "Fail to plan, plan to fail." At the time it never made much sense to me. Now, I look back and see that although it didn't make sense to me then, it was instilled naturally. I'm a planner. I leave room for change, spontaneity, and surprises. Today, I set out a plan. A plan for something that isn't even set in stone, but something I want to set a goal toward. As I sat in a coffee shop listening to conversations around me, and a variety of coffee shop music selections buzz, I wrote out a plan. It consisted of order, conversations I want to have, learning new skills, and listening to what God's Word has to say.
When you are in a rut, sometimes the best thing to do is get a day to yourself. This is what my day consisted of. I did just this-by hanging by myself and planning. As a coach it was my life plan day. It was me removing myself from current reality to aim for future reality. We all need a day like this. So, think about it. What do you want to do, that you are not? What do you need to set in motion to get you moving? Are you protecting and guarding your time to dream?
That is it friends, go for it. Find a place and plan, or you you may just fail.

Classy Move-Making Memories

I'm not that into baseball. (Yes, I am an American.) I played one year as a kid. I enjoy going to games, but hate watching them on television. I know call me crazy.
Today a story caught my attention, that I almost forgot about. Last July, the nation was left replaying the image of a dad, trying to catch a ball at a Texas Ranger baseball game, only to fall to his death. That alone is sad. The saddest part is it happened with his young son, right there, hoping to get the souvenir from dad.
I'm grateful for having a dad that was a part of my childhood, youth, and even adulthood. My dad made sure I experienced every thing a little sports fanatic kid could. Football, soccer, basketball, baseball, etc... I went to a ton of games with my dad. My dad and I are close. I talk to him a lot, ask a lot of questions, listen, and watch how he handles life situations. I am lucky to have this relationship in my life.
What was supposed to be a night of fun, turned into a horrific memory this kid lives with forever.
Today, The Texas Rangers organization, unveiled a bronze statue outside the home plate entrance at the Rangers ballpark. They didn't have to do this. But they unveiled an image that hundreds of thousands experience every year in the US- a kid and his dad hitting the game with lasting memories. It was a classy move by the Rangers and it brings a few thoughts to my mind regarding Father/Son relationships:
  • Dad's take advantage of the time given to raise your boys.
  • Make a Memory with your kids. (They don't have to be expensive!)
  • Call your kid or dad today.
  • Whether you like something or not, let your kid experience the joys of childhood.
  • Appreciate the moments you have, they will be gone before you know it.
  • Be Spontaneous.
When you see something classy, like this move by the Rangers...Stop...Appreciate... Remember...and then do something incredible to make an impression.