Thursday, April 19, 2012

At Least Offer Hope!

If you could give up an hour of your life to save a life, or at least offer hope, would you? I read a story about a group of people who saw the opportunity to save a life, and did everything in their power to try and help, but to no avail. The person in charge decided for whatever reason, it wasn't worth turning around. The result was two 16 year old kids dead at sea. The drama played out on the high seas this week, when a group of bird watchers on a cruise ship spotted a stranded boat in the middle of the ocean. These professionals had the right equipment and realized something wasn't right. They did everything they possibly could; but as I write this the captain of the ship is being investigated because he failed to live up to a code he accepted when he became a captain. Regulation 33 of the Int. Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea(SOLAS) Chapter V states in as many words states: the master of a ship must help if any sign of distress is assumed.
Of the 3 seen on the little boat at sea, only one survived an 18 year old kid, who was picked up almost a day later, 600+ miles from land. A sad story indeed.
There are many that show signs of distress we see or may come across. In reality, we could offer hope daily to a small portion of this world that is dying from a lack of it. I know I can't save everyone from everything; but we can offer hope. In this life opportunities will present themselves to help and give someone a glimpse there is a chance at living longer, being released from bondage, getting something to eat, or hearing about the love that Jesus offers. How about it? Some will be on your radar and some may pop up spontaneously, either way when the opportunity presents itself-we need to respond. If you feel the check in your spirit to help, don't expect the next person to help. At least offer the HOPE!

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