Friday, April 6, 2012

Classy Move-Making Memories

I'm not that into baseball. (Yes, I am an American.) I played one year as a kid. I enjoy going to games, but hate watching them on television. I know call me crazy.
Today a story caught my attention, that I almost forgot about. Last July, the nation was left replaying the image of a dad, trying to catch a ball at a Texas Ranger baseball game, only to fall to his death. That alone is sad. The saddest part is it happened with his young son, right there, hoping to get the souvenir from dad.
I'm grateful for having a dad that was a part of my childhood, youth, and even adulthood. My dad made sure I experienced every thing a little sports fanatic kid could. Football, soccer, basketball, baseball, etc... I went to a ton of games with my dad. My dad and I are close. I talk to him a lot, ask a lot of questions, listen, and watch how he handles life situations. I am lucky to have this relationship in my life.
What was supposed to be a night of fun, turned into a horrific memory this kid lives with forever.
Today, The Texas Rangers organization, unveiled a bronze statue outside the home plate entrance at the Rangers ballpark. They didn't have to do this. But they unveiled an image that hundreds of thousands experience every year in the US- a kid and his dad hitting the game with lasting memories. It was a classy move by the Rangers and it brings a few thoughts to my mind regarding Father/Son relationships:
  • Dad's take advantage of the time given to raise your boys.
  • Make a Memory with your kids. (They don't have to be expensive!)
  • Call your kid or dad today.
  • Whether you like something or not, let your kid experience the joys of childhood.
  • Appreciate the moments you have, they will be gone before you know it.
  • Be Spontaneous.
When you see something classy, like this move by the Rangers...Stop...Appreciate... Remember...and then do something incredible to make an impression.

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