Saturday, April 7, 2012

His Death Has Your Sins Covered Bro

It's been a long time since I set foot into a club, but I hear commercials all the time for them and the cover charge to get in. I'm reflecting right now on the ultimate cover charge that was paid for me. This week millions all over the world partake in cultural practices to re-live, remember, and rejoice for what Easter represents. The resurrection changes everything. It is the ultimate game changer in human history. Naturally I am a sinner. There is no way around it. I can't pretend, can't fake it, and can't even run from it. I'm broken, depraved, and a sinner...but the cross changes all that. It isn't the symbol of the cross, but rather the meaning of the cross. As Jesus laid on the cross and had his hands and feet nailed to the cross, I think of the blood and the sacrifice. I do! It means everything to me, and I have prepped my whole life's plan and have waged everything I have for people to know about the cross. It was on that cross every sin I have committed, will commit, or even think about, was nailed as Jesus said, No, No, I got this for you. I'm not alone, His death has your sins covered bro.
Let that sink in.

The cross is the game changer in human history and for me it is what I build my life on. I don't know where you are at, what you struggle with, or what may hold you down. Know this though, you can be forgiven, your sin was covered bro.
On the cross Jesus bore sin for all humanity-past, present, & future. Don't let sin hold you back, and don't let Satan keep you a prisoner. BE FREE-Christ's death on the cross was your ticket to freedom. So how can you be free? Recognize you are a sinner and ask to be forgiven; Believe Christ died and rose again; and commit to live a life for Christ. Finally tell someone. When you recognize the power of Christ; bro, life changes. It's not all perfect, but it is a rush and experience of freedom from your former life.
Easter is about the victory we find in Jesus upon His resurrection. That's right-in case you haven't heard, Jesus rose again. Can't make this stuff up. No other god has a story to tell like that, but then again Jesus wasn't just any god.