Monday, April 30, 2012

Leadership Words to Describe You

Almost 2 years ago, the world lost a coaching legend. John Wooden, the Wizard of Westwood. This coach had one losing season(his first year) in 40+ years of coaching. What was amazing about this leadership legend was that he set a precedent as a leader that is simply amazing. When former players are asked to describe John Wooden they roll out words like: "caring, driven, professional, organized, moral, gracious, honest, patient, loyal, demanding", and the list goes on and on-literally for a long while. When asked to describe words that would be complaints of this find few. These were players who didn't start, did not like the offense, and even then offered rare complaints. This is a mark of a true leader. 
YES-you will have critics. John Wooden did. You will also have those who don't agree with every opinion, suggestion, leadership move, or decision. However, to be able to have people you lead use the words that were used to describe John Wooden, would be quite the compliment. As you lead through life in different circles- PTA, city meetings, a church small group, your family, neighborhood association, business team, or employees think of the way you lead and the words described by the people you lead. 
The reason John Wooden is a legend and voted the Coach of the Century-wasn't all about winning, it was about his principles, character, faith, and leadership. John Wooden may have been old school but his lessons and example of leadership principles lived out are legendary and should be re-ushered in to the environments we find ourselves in. So, what are the words that describe your leadership abilities? I have one of John Wooden's leadership books sitting on a stand in my office.  It is a reminder to me that great leadership is reachable.  You may not have these qualities now, but it is never too late to start on the road of being a legendary leader with the people in your circles. It starts today, get on with it already.

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