Thursday, February 16, 2012


It can be a lost art, right up there with hieroglyphics, the wooden wheel, and parachute pants. I'm referring to an art that people should put in their repertoire, its called: prevision. It is the art of foreseeing a potential danger. The key is seeing it and then avoiding it. As you race through life, I'm sure you may have had glimpses of it. The cop car going the other way, causing you to slow down before a speed trap. Maybe the premonition to avoid a certain aisle at the supermarket so you don't get stuck in line. In the world we live in I'd like to say I try and live by prevision. We live in a reality were crazy things happen. I am not immune to sin, temptation, and getting caught in the crossfire. The great preacher, Billy Graham lived by prevision. He had a person with him at all times, as he traveled, to make sure that he was never caught in a compromising situation. Good thing, because there were people who tried to stage things to take him out. Prevision is something that is an art. It is something that can be learned and should be. As a leader in whatever you do, people will put you on a pedestal and hope you fall. It is the cut-throat culture of success people aim for of knocking off the person in front of them, however they need too. Sometimes it is to take away their position, prestige, and power-hey this trick of knocking people off is something Satan practices regularly. There are guard rails and concepts to put in your life that will help with your attempt at prevision. As you go through your day, look for things that you can identify as potential danger or trouble, and then avoid them. Now, I am one to take a trip on the adventure side on occasion-I'm not speaking of adventure that brings danger. I'm speaking of stupidity that brings danger to you and your reputation. So guard your heart, mind, family, thoughts, career, name, and in my case relationship with Jesus. Living with prevision will take you farther, will give you more opportunity, and bring you results that put your life on track and help you live above reproach. So forget hunting down a pair of parachute pants, or widdling a wooden wheel out of that tree stump in your back yard, and just work on prevision.

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