Thursday, February 9, 2012

People in your LIFE- a case for small groups.

Launching Small Groups at any church can be fun, exciting, challenging, and confusing. Small groups are really about a few key elements: connecting in community, life transformation, and being doers of God's Word. Whether intentional or not, food normally plays into the small group mentality too. That being said, we are about to explode small group life, so that more people can experience community in a way that says, "We don't want you to do life alone." Really as you walk through life, do you really want to live life alone? 1 in 4 Americans live life alone or isolated, and because of this, many of these 'loners' are on meds for depression. So, is there a direct correlation between those who encircle themselves with people? Well, we do know this- the people with friends and support systems live life longer. So, what will it take for you to engage in a small group where you can live life with people who care for you? Life is busy, I get that, as the father of 3 kids who are busy. Life is unpredictable-I get that, as I sat with a friend recently in a hospital, as his daughter had major surgery. I counseled a couple recently, and my walk away challenge to them was they need to get mutual friends in their life, or theirs will become very lonely. When this crazy world shatters the ideals that we thought were solid, you need people to walk with you. The point is this- small group friends should last for life. They will live life with you and in this world, the ups and downs are sometimes too bearable to walk at it alone. Are you connected to a small group? You should be!

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