Monday, February 13, 2012

Small Group Life Leadership

What does it take to be a Small Group Leader at ECC? As I think about this question a few things come to mind. However, I want to focus on the why, first. Leadership is important in many facets of life. Why leadership? Well, because if no one steps up to lead then chaos normally follows. You can turn on your television at any moment during the day right now, to have that point proven. The fact is simple: WE NEED LEADERS. Small group life is no different. We need people who can walk alongside others and help lead healthy conversations. Jesus was a Master at this-yes, pun intended. He picked a handful of guys, and fed into them with discipleship discussions, corrective conversations, equipping exchanges, and encouraging encounters. For Jesus, He was a natural, for the rest of us they are learned. Yes, they can be and should be learned. Why leadership? Right now, we need men and women to step up and walk with others through life and help them develop friends who will live life together. It is about growing relationally, spiritually, and journeying together through this things we call life. ECC is at a harvest time in our Small Group Ministry and we are excited to be launching new small groups in the days to come. We need leaders and hosts to step up and step in. We will as a church walk alongside you, give you the tools to lead, and development ops to be a leader in small group life. Some of our current groups have leaders stacked up and shelved, and instead of multiplying as we have done in year's past, we will be activating and launching new groups. The key is leadership and if you are willing to lead, we are willing to help you by walking with you. Lives are being transformed at ECC and a part of our mission is to help connect these transformed lives to others.

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