Monday, February 27, 2012

Discipleship Discussions

If you hung out with Jesus for any period of time when He walked this earth, you would know that He had some important one-on-one discussions. If you walk with Him now, you will also know that it doesn't take very long before He has these same conversations through prayer, the Word, or an encounter with someone He has crossed in front of your journey. “COME & SEE” was the invitation he offered to the disciples when He asked them to follow Him. He used parables, visual aides, questions, and homework to draw those who followed in discussions of discipleship. If we don’t become explorers and stay with our boat of small groupers tied to the same routine, we will get bored with the scenery of discipleship making, frustrated with our leaders, and people will look for a new adventure in a new boat. People want to learn, and learners want to explore. They are thirsty, they want an adventure filled with faith risks, they want to learn from the scriptures, they want challenge from questions, they want new and fresh ideas to make the discipleship process interesting. What they don’t want is a boat tied to a shoreline, that does not move and the scenery looks the same every time you meet. Jesus was creative with His discipleship, and as a follower of Him, we must be also. Jesus asked questions, offered adventure, and peaked leaders we should do the same thing. After all, Jesus gave us some great examples of how to do it.

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