Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A 26.2 Dream

Sunday, I was up bright and early and ready to roll off to Staten Island. I caught a cab with my sis and took off to meet the Sanctuary for Families marathon team. We arrived at Staten Island and I must admit it was like a concentration camp. There were 40,000+ people being directed by speakers that spoke in every language except English, until i had been there for about 20 minutes. My bib # was in the 57,000+ range and I was there to hang for 3 hours before I even left. Eventually the DREAM I had set two years ago was about to become a reality. It was a surreal expereince. I had carbed up the night before on a huge PASTA meal. That morning I had plenty of carbs and sugars. I was ready. I made my way to the corral where I was one of thousands. I was ready, I threw off my pink Dunkin Donuts beanie, my Goodwill Nike sweats and a grey sweatshirt that I was cool with losing. I stretched and was ready to run. We made our way to the starting line and then we were off. A dream was about to come true. The gun shot off and I started and it was about 50 degrees, but the adrenaline was pumping and I was ready to run. I had taped my name on my shirt, and I would later be so glad I did.

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