Thursday, November 12, 2009


This morning I drove two 2nd graders to school. On the way to school they were talking about the books they were writing. As they spoke I heard this amazing creativity flowing from their minds. The twists & plots to their stories were comical, genius, and super creative. As I listened, I thought to myself about how each of us were created with creativity in our being. In the Bible, the 5th word gives us one of the very natures of God. In Genesis 1:1 God invented it...Jesus modeled it with parables and life lessons...and in II Corithians 3:17 the Holy Spirit empowers it. The beauty is that we can each create. It is in each of our DNA. I find that for creativity to flow in me, I have to get into a different environment than I normally am in, and I too need a blank canvas to work from. I have friends around me that I think are creative geniuses. As I listened to these 2nd graders this morning it reminded me that creativity should flow in all of us. There are times were it sits bottled up inside me, and times I fail to pull the level on my God-given creativity. But what I have found is that when creativity is unleashed it inspires others and as it did to me today, challenged me to think creatively. don't have to be a 2nd grader talking about the adventures of the missing restaurant or the new invention that will make school go by faster, you just need to be you-the creative being you are.

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