Tuesday, November 3, 2009

OCT 25, 1999

Day of the surgery was jsut like any other day, except I was up early. The only thing I really remember about the morning was the doctor giving me a dose of medication to knock me out, and that is the last thing i remember until after surgery. I woke up in some room, and asked the nurse if I could have some water. He replied, "what did you say?" I was like my mouth is cotton, I need some water. Then I asked to see my family, and wanted a controller as there was a Blazer game on that night. Surgery was a blast, as I remember nothing. So, that means it was good, right? I guess medicine does some pretty wacky stuff to you, because I was a kick on the meds. I had a talk with my grandparents about Viagra, flashed my man parts to go to the bathroom while members of the fam were present. Hey, what can I say? I do remember a few things...I haven't had a surgery since. I did have a cool wrap on my head that would have made any Muslim jealous. I also have a backward question mark scar that is still evident and a cliff on the side of my head that is sweetness. The doctor upon review asked if I wanted it fixed, but I passed. They did pull a tumor from my right temporal lobe that was the size of an egg. It was pretty remarkable. All in all, my brain surgery was a success and some 10 YEARS LATER I AM STILL SEIZURE FREE. When I woke up in my recovery room, there was a scripture that was on my white board. It read, "I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, ag you back to this land. I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." That verse has been my life verse since. A day that will be celebrated for the rest of my life, is the last day I ever had a seizure. OCTOBER 25, 1999.

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