Thursday, November 26, 2009


I'm watching my 7 year old shoot hoops in the pouring rain, with his grandpa right now. They are playing H-O-R-S-E in the driveway. It is 45 degrees outside and it is pouring rain, but they are having fun. I am thankful that I can observe and even join in the fun in a few moments. I was reminded this morning at 6am how blessed I am, when two little girls burst through the door to wake me up. I read this passage of scripture today. "Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." I Thes. 5:18. As I reflected on this verse today, I am reminded that it is God through Jesus, that guides, provides, and multiplies when I am walking in His will. Walking in His will can be a challenge and confusing at times, but I will say that the benefits far outweigh the struggles and circumstances that come and are not always fun. I have found that when I praise and thank God for the circumstances in my life, I find myself on a path of growth. So today, I choose to THANK God for the circumstances that come my way and opportunities to grow from them. Looking forward to today, I will find myself in conversations with people that I will benefit from, and situations that I will grow from. CircumTHANKses are these everyday circumstances that I am thankful for and will grow from. Yesterday, I was taught patience...again...this time driving in traffic...again. Today, I embark on what circumstances that come my way that I am THANKful for. How about you? What circumstances can you grow from today, be stretched by, or challenged with? The important thing is to GIVE THANKS...because from this point it will be a conscious choice to understand God's will for your life...and I'm sure when you recognize this, you will be thankful.

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