Tuesday, November 3, 2009

I did what less than 1% of the world has done.

I ran the NYC Marathon. As I finished, I was awarded a medal for finishing. Less than 1% of the human race will actually ever finish a marathon. I am now one of thosee stats. I am stoked to be in that stat. Coolness friends, major coolness. I was hurting as I stopped running. After I crossed the line I was whisked away into a foil suit to keep me warm, I was given a gatorade, bagel, and an apple. My legs hurt real bad. I walked through Central Park and was greeted by the fam. I was ready to chill for the night and chill I did. I had some time to reflect on what the feeling was like to actually runa a marathon. I must say, I knew then I had accomplished a dream and I could say only a few things, but one of them was "Phil, You are the man." Yes I am. As I reflected, I realized that New Yorkers are cool peeps, and I think the church should take the example of the support that was given to complete strangers and do the same when we see people hurting. How many times have I seen people walk into church with their head down, wincing, and maybe even in some pain that is being hidden by a smile that looks like it was painted on, the moment the door to their car shut. All that to say, is walking away there are many life lessons that can be applied to the training, the pace, the folks, and the finale. I took away a memory that will last a life time, and maybe the desire to run one more in my lifetime. We'll see how that dream turns out. I would run it with fans and friends for sure. But hey, I have bragging rights and I'll soak it in for a few more days.

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