Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Church People Should Be Like New Yorkers

I'm running the NYC marathon and someone suggested that I write my name on my shirt. So, I did. At mile 1, people started cheering for us by name. I was on stride with my sis. It was a totally cool thing to run with my sis. I ran steady for miles. We left Staten Island and the Verranzo-Narows bridge and headed toward Brooklyn. I couldn't help but engage the crowd as I ran. They were cheering my name and little kids were hi-fiving the runners. So, I soaked the crowd in. We hit Brooklyn and I was yelling "big ups Brooklyn." I think the crowd loved me because they all kept yelling my name and at times were chanting it. Phil...Phil...Phil...come on Phil you're doing awesome. We passed a few bands along the way and life was great. I was so encouraged. I thought what if the church, responded to those they didn't even know with the love that New Yorkers were showing the runners? Church would be a place where everyone was excepted, no one was judging you, and people genuinely had the best interest for you...to complete the race. As we headed through and my place slowed, I was met with cheers and encouragement like I have never received from people I had never met. I got hugs, people gave me nutrition, water, kids cheered, teens cheered, adults yelled, and every ethnicity was rooting me and 40,000+ runners on. It was as if we were family. As a matter of fact, I felt closer to some complete strangers than I do some people in my own church. It is a weird feeling but one I think the church could learn from. People really wanted me to succeed, to dream, to finish the race strong. It was an amazing expereince, and I may be crazy but I would do it again...in a second.

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