Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Life & Ministry Lessons- ZIP IT

A few weeks ago I got to observe someone telling my son to "ZIP IT", as in his mouth. This person was an authoritative figure and had the right to do so, and I stood to the side and smiled as it happened. The only thing Luke was guilty of was talking...too much...and out of turn. One thing I have learned in life is that I sometimes need to "ZIP IT". I need to listen instead of trying to have an answer for every question, conversation, and opinion. If you know me, you know that I have the gift of gab. Luke did not fall too far from the tree. Jenelle and I joke, because we are in a small group where I rank 3rd in the group on the gift of over-speaking. This has been a rare occurence in my life time. I remember raising my hand in class as a 4th grader just to say "I forgot what I wanted to say, but I did have something to say." As I walk through my daily routine, there are moments when I sit in silence or solitude and for all better purposes SHUT UP. I listen. For me to be tuned into what God wants to say to me or even through me, I have to shut everything down and out, so I can hear. When I say, "speak for your servant is listening", I am committed to listen for what may be said. God speaks to people in many different ways and I find that with all the noise in our life, no wonder so many people miss out on what is being said. This is a life and minsitry lesson I have had to learn, and I'll admit it has been hard at times because I feel sometimes there is a need to speak up, but I've learned it is far better to just ZIP IT at times. Deuteronomy 30:20 says, "And that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life." Today, start to practice listening for what God may say to you. To apply this, read His WORD, and then sit in silence for 5 minutes and listen, listen, and you will see through His Word, His Voice, His stirring in your spirit that you will be blessed when you listen and respond accordingly. Peace Out My Friend and do God a favor, zip it, for your benefit not mine.

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