Thursday, February 11, 2010


Florence Price has seen a lot in her lifetime. She was a child as bombs dropped in her hometown of London in WWII. She raised 4 kids as her husband traveled and preached around the world. Later in her life she herself traveled all over Europe, Africa, Canada, Australia, Hawaii and all the other states of the Union. I got to spend lots of time with her over the years and talk on the phone to her regularly. She has been a pillar of faith for our entire family. As a youth pastor I had her come in and share stories of miracles, signs, and wonders to our youth. She has been a part of seeing the blind see, the lame walk, the dead rise again, and cancers healed. YES- she has seen first hand all those things take place. God has used her in mighty ways. Today she celebrates her 21st birthday for the 70th time. She is still quick to point out God's provision, God's healing power, and the Power of the Holy Spirit at work in lives. She has told me stories that only God could work out and has a faith that I long and hope for. She still has a ton of friends and is considered royalty in some circles-and rightfully so. Born and raised in England, she has seen God at work through generations. So today I salute my hero, FLORENCE KATHERINE PRICE. Happy Birthday NANA- you are loved and your faith has encouraged me time and time again.

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