Thursday, February 11, 2010

They Will Know When You Don't Pray Right

Tonight I prayed with my kids as we do every night. I was in my son's room praying and at the end of the prayer he said, "dad you have to pray over, you prayed wrong." My prayer was actually good, I thought. What he meant was that I didn't pray a prayer I have started to pray regularly in our nightly routine. Every night for the last year I have prayed over each of my kids the following out of scripture: I pray that they will wear the Armor of God- the Helmet of Salvation; The Belt of Truth; The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace; The Breastplate of Righteousness; The Sword of the Spirit; and the Shield of Faith. This night I failed to do so, and got called on it. I make sure that they understand what each one means and every night change it up to give a description of what that should look like in our lives. I want to make sure it is not routine, but I have learned that it has become memorable by the fact that if I don't include it in my nightly prayer, then they include it for me. It brings me joy that my kids are learning the importance of prayer and applying it to their lives. That right there makes this dad real happy.

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