Monday, December 20, 2010

Wilson Family- Year in Review

Every year we like to take a couple of minutes to rewind to see how incredible our year was. It is a nice break before we fast forward and look to the future and planning of this year. This past year was definitely a growing and stretching year for us all. In February our lead pastors left to begin another ministry position in California. This made for an interesting year as we saw over half of our church staff leave & disappear into other ministry opportunities. At the same time, we saw this as an exciting time in the life of our church. It became a growing and stretching time for us, as a family, and church family. As I write this blog, just 18 hours ago our church membership voted in at 100% our new lead pastors. We are excited to work with this new couple and their family, and see many great days ahead for our team & church.
Here is an update on our fam:
Audrey, 3-in a few days, has continued to make us all laugh with her silly comments and expressions. She has become quite the little chick, and enjoys playing with her dolls, watching her shows, playing with her friends, and dancing. She has many friends and even has a few beau's she refers to as "my-Scott" & "my-Ben". Already a heart breaker! She also acts as our alarm clock, as she arrives bright and early everyday to tell us its time to get up. Audrey is learning to keep up with her brother and sister and even puts them in their place at times. Audrey has been most excited this year about her new bunk beds and the fact that she wears big girl panties now. We said so-long to diapers and gave ourselves a raise-temporarily, until she starts asking for designer jeans and shoes. She loves to play on her iPhone, which really is an old phone that we had back in the day.
Ella, 6, is in Kindergarten this year and doing amazing. Her sweet spirit and genuine heart is contagious. She enjoyed gymnastics this past year and was selected to participate on "Team". This was a select group of young girls who would participate in competition. We are so proud of her. This year she also started swimming and her coach told us that she would be a great diver with her flexibility and gymnastics background. She enjoyed swimming so much, she decided to make that her sport and pursue diving in the years to come. Ella is instant fun and her smile and sweet spirit continues to make the boys blush. Ella enjoys playing with friends. As a matter of fact, outside of school and the neighborhood, all of Ella's friends are 2-3 years older than her. She is 6 going on 16 sometimes. She is a cute chick with an edge for fashion. She is also very artistic, which she obviously gets from her father.
Luke, 8, is in 3rd grade. He continues to excel in school and loves reading. Recently, he picked up a leadership book his dad was reading, and started in on it. He enjoys a challenge and his perfectionist ways keeps him driving hard to make sure all is good. He is a people person extraordinaire. Sometimes we have to tell him to stop talking to give other people a chance to talk-he gets that from his dad, at least that is what we've been told. This summer he decided to raise $1,000 for missions. He is on his way to completing that goal in the months ahead, by working hard earning commissions. The monies will go to help kids in Africa get Bibles & to help provide kids involved in sexual slavery in India, a safe place. This all came about after he felt God tell him to raise that much. Luke is our resident soccer and basketball star. This year Luke cruised to another fantastic year of basketball, and is already practicing for his new league which starts in a few weeks. His soccer season ended with him dominating on the goal count and helping his team to a strong finish. He spends his days playing football and basketball outside, rain or shine, with the neighborhood boys. He continues to grow and is already wearing a shoe bigger than Jenelle's.
Jenelle continues to go at lighting speed, tackling anything thrown in front of her. She is very involved in ministry at ECC. This year she sang on the worship team and has become a key leader in the Women's ministries. Jenelle taught on the women's teaching team and will continue to do that in the year to come. Jenelle also continued to grow her business, Wilson Bookkeeping Services. She maxed out her clientele load, and has helped numerous companies keep their books straight and in line. She also maintains a full schedule of transporting kids and keeping a clean house. How she does it? No one knows-it is one of those super power or supernatural type of things. She is amazing.
Phil continues to thrive in his role as Community Life & Connections Pastor. This year was a great growth year for him in many ways. Opportunities to lead and expand his skill set beyond leadership and speaking, presented themselves many times over. In transition of pastoral leadership, Phil became the glue for those who were involved in the church. With a smile on his face and a pretty positive outlook on life, he continues to encounter, engage, encourage, and equip people and teams. He continues to run and play basketball. His favorite things to do is spend time with Jenelle and play with the kids.
This year we had some great times as a family and with friends. We were able to travel to Hawaii this last Spring, which was long overdue and much needed. We also took a vacation with some of our closest friends as we headed to California to spend time with them roaming San Diego and So. Cal.
We wrapped up the year with a new addition, in the form of a dog. His name is Tucker, he is a Bishon/Pekingese mix, and was a rescue from a shelter. He is already trained and acclimated to a house full of three little munchkins who love him.
As we wrap up this year, it was quite crazy at time, but we always rest assured that God is good...all the time! We hope that this coming year will bring many opportunities and stretching experiences for you-as we have found in these times, we rely on God, family, friends, and each other more than when things seem to be operating normal.
As we wrap this up, be intentional about having a great 2011, because you only have 2011 to make 2011 awesome.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Reaction vs Response

Reactions can be costly. They have lost games, they have gotten people fired, they have hurt people, reactions have even stateed wars. Responses can ease a situation and turn something that could have been dangerous into something good. My reactions sometimes get the best of me, and I end up trying to go back and clean up the mess I created. My reponses, normally help smooth over a situation and for the most part keep me level-headed. Recently I have been watching my reactions play out. Whether it is a news story, a debate, a credit card company trying to hose me, an opinion I don't agree with, or my kids acting out-it can be easy to react. I notice a lot of people who react through social media these days because it is easy to hide behind an avatar or a online screen name. Here is the deal, we need to take moments that come in conflict, a need to speak up, or even a need to grwo from an expereince-and we need to make these moments teachable. I can react all day long, and seomtimes it has got me in trouble; other times it has put me in a position to have to issue an apology. As I grow older, I am am aware of when I need to respond versus react. This week was a little crazy in our household-we had a vacation with lots of family under one roof, my kids had bed time battles, I ran into a tree with my car(sliding on ice), and life happened. IN these times of craziness-and my life has plenty of them-I get to decide whether I respond or react. Sometimes I pick wrong, and end up wishing I didn't-so here is to a day when I say-let's respond not react to the things that come our way. Your life will be better for it, your day will be better for it, and those in your life whether family, friend, co-worker, or whomever-will appreciate you for it.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Some of the best imaginations in the world belong to people who are under the age of 10. I have a great time listening to my kids and their friends talk about things I would never even think of. I love the creative element that each of us have been given, but sometimes I am taken back to my childhood. I think about my imagination of where I would be. I was going to be the next Steve Largent (yeah look him up in the NFL Hall of Fame). I also was going to be the next Mario Andretti. However, somewhere my imagination of things got sidetracked. Maybe in junior high when I started caring about what people thought and even worried about what their response would be to certain imaginative things. I still have an imagination and the way I filter it is different. I have had people dash my dreams if certain things because they said I wasn't too good, or maybe they said nothing at all. Here is the deal, if you imagine something and are passionate about creating and making it happen. I say GO FOR IT! You never know where it may lead. I'm thinking of re-trying some things I haven't done in quite a while. Cooking, Painting, Creating a Brand, and a few other things to imagine. Imagine what would happen if I actually put to practice the imagination God gave me. I think I would succeed especially if God gave me the ability to do so. Imagine that-me using my imagination. Maybe you should Imagine what God could do with your imagination. Imagine that!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Emotional Health-It's a MUST!

Recently I have realized that I have become emotionally unhealthy. I was trying to figure out why I could speak to the topic, yet feeling like I was emotionally drained. A few nights ago I realized as I tossed and turned that I was having problems sleeping. This was effecting every aspect of my life: eating, exercise, family, reaction, motivation, temper, and so on. Over a week ago, my wife said it seemed like i was gasping for air while I slept. So, reading up on a bunch of different sleeping issues, I have decided to get myself checked for sleep apnea. I seem to have the symptoms of a candidate. Here is the deal, knowing that I need to be emotionally healthy for the sake of my relationship with God, wife, kids, family, and friends, I have scheduled the course of action to take. I want to be emotionally healthy so I can live out a healthy lifestyle. When people become emotionally unhealthy, it causes train wrecks in many different areas of their life. I have coached people through these, and I am now finding myself in the position to get some much needed help, so I can be mentally sharp, emotionally sound, and a fun person to be around. I realized when I don;t get sleep, I become a grouch, and no one like a grouch. So, are you emotionally healthy? There are some tests to take out there and although sleep apnea may not be your result of unhealthiness, I would encourage you to find a solution to why you feel the way you do. I am looking forward to re controlling my life through actions, love, and words. To do that I had to come to the realization that I need to address my lack of sleep. This means doctors appts, so 3 are scheduled in the next week. I'm excited to get back in the flow of life with good sleep, then those around me will see that I am back to the fun, out-going, creative, and happy guy that I am. I am intentional about living and this means intentional about getting back to health.

Monday, November 1, 2010

I am not but I know I AM

Living in the iculture that seems to be ruinning rampant these day, it is a nice reminder every once in a while to realize I am not. This past week I was reminded as I studied and read up on the various I AM statements that Jesus speaks in passages of the Bible. This week my focus, along with our churches, was I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD. Here are some thoughts from my messsage based on John 10:11-18:
John 10:10 is the result of the gospel, but the essence of the gospel is found in the next verse!
The Good Shepherd tenaciously cares for His flock because He is not a hireling. He is THE SON!
It is common SONship with God that will draw us together.
In laying His life down, He became the DOOR. In Rising Again, Jesus becomes the Good Shepherd.
The Shepherd became a lamb, that the sheep might know the Shepherd.
A great portion of this passage is tied to our ultimate look at the Lord, ou Shepherd. This is found in Psalm 23 and is worth a read today.
Once again from this passage I'm reminded. I am not, but I know I AM.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Someone to Talk too

The other day I saw that there was a certain celebrity that was able to talk a suicidal man down off a building, where the rapper celebrity happenened to be doing a radio interview. Pretty awesome to see someone talk a jumper down. The point I took away was this: We all need someone to talk too! Life happens and sometimes sucks. There are natural frustrations in life, and sometimes there are things that happen that we need people to be able to just listen to us vent and get the frustration out. Those who bottle it up sometimes make irrational decisions. Some people have no one to talk too. Some may be the person doing the listening. Either way, both roles are important and it is wise to have in these people in life. Some people come home from work having a bad day, maybe home life isn't any better, maybe a financial turn blows your plan, and maybe what you thought was right turned out wrong. The point is this, all of us need to be able to have a friend, or confidant you can talk too. I know I need those people in my life and I know I am that person for others. Instead of getting to the point of this man, last week who was ready to end it all, I thought-this guy had no one to turn too that would listen? He didn't have any options? I pray and hope that either I am that person for someone who is this desperate, or I pray that when I need to talk to someone-they will listen. I know who those people are in my life, the question is...DO YOU?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Stand Behind What You Say!

This time of year brings out the "he said, she said" statements as political campaigns are in full force of smearing each other. I just mute or change the channel now, because I already know people are screwing up America. We have also moved to a place in our society where many public statements, and even private, have to be retracted, because someone was offended by a remark of another. So, this is what I have to say about that...if you can't say something you can stand behind, then shut your friggin' mouth. I'm tired of people having to apologize for statements they said because people had their feelings hurt. I realize people say stupid stuff, that is because we are human, and in case people have forgotten, we are not perfect. I also understand the new trend is too attack people who don't agree with you on certain political, religious, or even social issues. So, we have too many people apologizing for things said-to put a band aid on a minor scratch, and get people back on board of "like me again" campaign. This political correctness is leading us down a very slow and painful death as a country. It seems this is the season when attacks are vicious and every word is micro scoped til death of a candidate. Tis the season! I have said some things I regretted. I have said thing behind closed doors, and I have said things in front of groups of people, that made me feel like an idiot later-but hey, who hasn't ever felt like an idiot at least once in their life? If you have a solid belief or stance on something you should feel free to stand up and speak up and don't feel the need to apologize. The warning is be careful about what you say. A wise man once told me to think before I speak, and make sure that what comes out of my mouth is what I intended to come out. If I operate by these standards then I should not have to issue some statement apologizing for my error in judgment pertaining to my vocabulary or delivery of a statement. Words have hurt me, words have helped me, and words have been used to correct me-that my friends, is called life. James gives us a great warning revolving the use of the tongue: James 3:5-6 (NIV)
Likewise the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. [6] The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole person, sets the whole course of his life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
So there you have it- James warns us, the tongue can be a dangerous weapon if used improperly, so if you are going to say something, think before you speak and then be able to stand behind what you say!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Who's Your Tour Guide?

In my life I have had numerous tour guides. I have toured national landmarks, power plants, churches, radio stations, wineries, parks, production sets, and television studios to name a few. Even the Jungle Ride at Disneyland gave me a tour guide to make sure that I didn't get lost or eaten alive. Each tour guide offered me insight and wisdom. The question for you right now is, who is in your life guiding you? Guidance is something all of us need in our life on a regular basis. Guidance comes in wisdom and counsel of the wise. Those in your life that offer guidance can come in many shapes, sizes, and relationships. I know that I am in need of having wise people around me to help me understand things I have yet to grasp. I also realize I may be that person for someone else. As I was writing this blog I got a call from someone who needed guidance. I was able to give my professional opinion and encouraged them in finding faith and relationship with Jesus. I love some tour guides and others are hard to handle- I love the words of the tour guide in Proverbs, where we are encouraged to not get sidetracked and resist temptation in chapter 4. It goes on to say, "hold close to you instruction and dont let it go. The path of the righteous is like the first gleam of dawn, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble." I know I want to be wise, and follow the right tour guide. There are plenty of tour guides out there leading people to wrong decisions, time wasters, and boring tours. Make sure you have a great tour guide and if the opportunity presents itslef, make sure you are giving the right tour yourself-one that leads to great reward.

Thursday, September 30, 2010


I love enthusiastic people to a degree. I mean I love the people who are genuinely enthusiastic, but then there are some people for whatever reason, and their enthusiasm drives me a little cuckoo for cocoa puffs. Enthusiasm is huge in inspiring others!!! (the exclamation points are to add to the enthusiastic way I wrote what my head was saying in that last statement) I have had friends, leaders, coaches, and even my kids-especially my kids-inspire me by their enthusiasm. Our enthusiasm will inspire others is not a new thought. But think about those in your life that seem to be down, the manner in which you carry yourself around them will either encourage them, or discourage them. I think back of the manner in which my teams I have played on have used enthusiasm to pump us up. Sometimes it was a coach, parent, teammate, cheerleader, or even a song. When you walk through life today, just know that your enthusiasm for life will inspire others. Whether that is a kid, a spouse, a friend, employee, co-worker, or boss, you will make a difference based on your enthusiasm. In scripture, Paul tells us that enthusiasm inspired people to action. I believe that to be true- so today live your life with ENTHUSIASM! Last year I saw it play out as I ran a marathon. The excitement of people cheering me on, spurred me to action to keep running, keep the faith that I would finish, and even overcome excruciating pain to complete the race. In life it is the same thing for those around us. Bring a smile to some one's demeanor today, by being enthusiastic. I know life can bring us unexpected challenges, and that can easily get us down. But don't let challenges get you down, go out with an attitude of enthusiasm to lift people's spirits, and make a difference in those you have influence with. So, I ask you a question: ARE YOU ENTHUSED? I said, ARE YOU ENTHUSED? If not, what will it take!

Monday, September 20, 2010

The Devil & the Zoo

The zoo is a great place to go every once in a while. If you have kids, you probably make it to a zoo at least once a year. If you live in a city with a zoo, or region with a well known one-maybe more than that. Nothing like looking at a chimp with a 3 inch glass barrier in front of you, or see a hyena look at you and imagine that it is laughing at you, and you want to laugh at it. Being caged has got to be pretty bad...lame, let's be honest it probably sucks. For those who have spent time behind bars-I know you concur. In II Timothy 2:26 Paul is writing to Timothy, as Tim has a few people in his church that "were taken captive by the him (the devil) at his will." That phrase 'taken captive' is a Gk word zoogreo- which means to take an animal alive (notice the first few letters of that Gk word). Put an image in your mind of the hunters that are aggressively hunting down animals to place in zoos. Now imagine the devil, the hunter, hunting you-the prey- down, and putting you in a cage. That is what happens when we let the devil get a stronghold in our life. The word here is simple- people can simply let negative behaviors into their life-bitterness, resentment, strife, you name a sin and insert here _____, etc... and then the devil seizes that in this person's life and stokes it, and cages them in this ungodly behavior. The Bible tells us that the devil has schemes, and we must put on the Armor of God to protect us from these schemes. This message written by Paul to Timothy was to make sure those Christ following believers would not let their heart and head be taken captive to cause disruption to the local church leadership. The devil is all about putting a wedge between people. Don't let that wedge drive you to the point where you too are a part of the zoo exhibit. Dare not to be caged by the devil, and before you accuse someone of something-get the facts, think forgiveness, and find a friend who will be straight up with you. The zoo is a fun place to observe, but a terrible place to be locked up-the devil will do what he can to get you in the zoo. If you have something bothering you that needs to be said to someone-maybe a major issue-think about a conversation or perhaps, slow down get some perspective and really hash out what is bothering you-1 to 2 years from now it may not be a big deal. But, I say it again-don't get put in the zoo, because the devil had his way with you. The zoo, a great place for animals, but not you!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How to Make Someone's Day

Last night I got a call from a buddy of mine. He literally made my day. This friend is unique on so many levels. He is one person I have allowed into my life that can 'shoot straight' and I will listen. My friend lives 120+ miles away and on occasion we will trade phone calls just to catch up. This friend of mine worked alongside me for years as a youth leader in one of my ministry assignments.
Based on his conversation with me, I want to explain ways you can make someone's day-TODAY. Here are ways I was reminded of yesterday by my friend:
1.) He called me out of the blue just to say hi and check in to see how I was doing.
2.) He had a word of encouragement that I needed to hear.
3.) He told me he was praying for me and that God put me on his mind-so he called.
4.) He thanked me for letting him be him, and said how much he appreciated my friendship.
5.) We talked life and laughed.

As I got off the phone I thought of how many times I fail to call a friend who I haven't see or heard from in a long time and just check in with the same ideas mentioned above. So, who has God put on your mind today? Which friend (one you see all the time, one you haven't seen for a while, one who you miss talking with) needs to be called? Pick up the phone and makes someones day.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Confidence- Come Get Some

Confidence is something that seems to exude from some people in the our culture. Whatever platform they have, whether small-the local junior high school scene, or large-a social cause or public setting, we can always find confident people. I love to observe people. Sometimes I see confidence on the outside and deep down I see many insecurities. Some of the people who should be most confident, are not for some reason or another. These people that I speak of are those who have confidence in Christ, yet they are not confident in who they are in Christ. Confidence can be defined as a deep sense of assurance, or belief and trust. I love Psalm 142 which speaks of the psalmist who finds confidence in the Lord. This passage of scripture is a great example as you walk through life know that God walks with you. For some of you, this may be something you recognize for others, God is there and if you cry out to Him and recognize God is with you-then God will make himself known to you. Today I find my confidence in Christ. When the world seems to be spiraling down hill, when leaders are not leading, when heroes disappoint, when you feel alone-be confident that God is with you and is your refuge. Today find confidence in Him. You can be confident in Christ-that is a promise we can live and build our life on. SO, I invite you...CONFIDENCE-get some!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Walk This Way

This past weekend I had the privilege to speak on a person, not too many people really know is in the Bible. He is only spoken of in 3 passages of scripture, most are drive by reads. However, this dude is listed in Hebrews 11, aka the Hall of Faith. In Genesis 5 you will find him in the genealogy of Seth, and we only know a few things about him based on scripture. The two big things that pop out to me which I focused on was that he "walked with God". In scripture, Noah is the only other that is accredited with that statement attached to his name. The other thing found in Hebrews 11, was that because of his faith, he pleased God. Sometimes we can easily read over names like Enoch, and not think much about the significance of these statements. Challenge yourself as you dig deep in God's Word to really grasp how you can become like Enoch-one who walked with God and pleased God. There is one other Enoch mentioned in the Bible, in Genesis 4-interestingly enough- all we know about him is he had a city named after him. (that city has yet to be dug up by archaeologists). This week make steps to be the 2nd Enoch mentioned in the Bible-as one who walked with God; not the 1st Enoch who had a city named after him and that is it. Enoch #2 walked with God...I want to walk this way!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Keep Your Head Up

When life happens, it can be either rewarding or difficult. In this past week I have had a few close friends and family have situations that have arisen that have been unexpected and not fun. In these times of despair, it is important that we truly find a positive and rewarding place to focus. When we focus on things that are out of our control and dragging us down, we will soon follow the current just as a piece of debri being sucked down a drainage system. Psalm 121 encourages to keep our eyes to the hills. It poses the question- "where does our help come from?" It is a great response, and the answer is even better: "my help come from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth." The Lord is watching and we can put our hope and trust in him. We have to LOOK-UP to God with hope and anticipation that He sees us, He hears us, and He will respond to us. Read Psalm 121 and be reminded of the type of God we serve. So, my friend who has a tumor, my friend who is looking for employment, my friend who has a family member in a coma, and my friend searching for truth...prayer this prayer today.

Thank you Father, that when I am having trouble in the climb you help me.
Thank you for your strong hand and loving lift.
Today, I will exchange my fears for faith.
I will keep my eyes on you.
I will move forward with confidence.
I will trust you.
Watch over my coming and going today.
In Jesus Name, Amen!

Keep Your Head UP! Looking into the heavens above and acknowledging God is a great place to focus.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Things that make you go BOOM!

Yesterday at 2pm PST, there was a plane that invaded Air Force One's air space. This little puddle jumper of a plane was just minding it's own business, or should I say unaware that air space was restricted as it came into the Seattle, WA, area. What happened next was the brute power and swift response of our AIR FORCE, as it scrambled two F-18 fighter jets out of Portland to Seattle. Because of the emergency and unknown threat to the space where our President was, and the distance between the two cities- let's just say the jets hauled. They can travel up to 1800 mph. The two jets as they crossed Western WA let off SONIC BOOMS, yes two of them-one from each plane. I was told it shook our house and rattled the windows as if they were going to pop out. Yet, as it happened I sat in my office fully unaware that it had happened. I didn't hear it, feel it, or notice it. I guess my office could be the place to be in the event of a natural disaster(i'm just sayin') I was locked in my cave and missed it. It wasn't until I popped on Facebook a time later to find something happened, and upon checking the news I connected the dots. How could a sonic boom take place and me not realize it? As I thought about it, I thought sometimes God likes to get my attention, but I am so enthralled in what I am doing, I can easily miss out. That means He can be trying to communicate with me and I could be completely shut off from what he is trying to tell me. It made me think that sometimes I am unaware of what God may be saying, because I am not expecting anything. Fact is, I need to be more ready to listen and willing to be shocked and amazed by God. I know that at times God sends a SONIC BOOM my direction to shake my world, but if I don't position myself to hear, see, respond then I may miss it altogether. Have you heard any SONIC BOOMS from God lately? Maybe He is needing to get your attention and to get it, He has to go BIG!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010



This is a great connection point for the ECC community. This night is filled with those tailgating with great food off the back of their car's tailgates. We encourage those who want to join the party to sign up and get your friends and family hanging out with the community at ECC. This has been a great place to connect people in a casual and fun environment. We look forward to you hanging with us. Each Tailgate group is responsible for their own food and clean up. We will have on hand for the kids inflatables and activities to keep them having a blast, while the Small Groups lead the charge in tailgates-we are inviting anyone to be a part. Come enjoy Labor Day weekend and Tailgate with us.
Any questions contact us at the office 360.352.3410.

Life & Ministry Lessons- What are you reflecting?

Occasionally I will pass a store front window, a mirror in a store, or glance at my rear view mirror. Normally when this happens it is followed with a posture change, an expression change, or a flex-let's me be honest-I'm a dude and flexing in a mirror is just something guys do-especially when no one is looking. The reason that these glances, passes, etc... bring an immediate change, is because I don't like what I see. I have found that sometimes I scowl when I drive and when I catch myself I wonder.... does the person at the stop sign next to me know I am actually a super happy, excited to be alive, and a personality plus type of guy? Based on my expression and reflection I see occasionally that answer is a fat no? So what about you-as you walk through each day at home, work, play....what are the reflections that people get by looking at you? I have found 2 Corinthians 3:18 to be a great verse to remind me of the way I want to be seen. The wording of this early part of the verse reads "But we all, with open face..." and in some versions, "unveiled faces". The Greek word which is anakalupto means to uncover, unveil, or to disclose. The tense in which it is used speaks not of a one-time unveiling, but rather a veil that once lifted, remains lifted forever. That unveiling in my life means I need to live each day as a reflection of Christ, who is active and alive in my life. When people look at me, what they see and what I hope to see is Christ. So, I pose the question to you- when people look at you, what do they see? What are you reflecting? If what they see is not what you hope they see, what steps do you need to take to unveil the 'you' that is reflected?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

$1,000 Challenge laid down by our 8 year old

A few nights ago my wife and I were watching a movie late at night when my 8 year old son, Luke came downstairs. My first reaction was a stern "get in bed!" Then Luke, proceeded to tell us that as he was lying in bed that he felt God tell him to raise $1000 for Project Rescue & Africa's Hope. Immediately my demeanor changed (had that eye contact/smile thing going on with Jenelle) and we discussed how to raise $1,000. He suggested to sell some of his books, toys, clothes, holding a garage sale, etc... He then thought about shooting a video to put on youtube and facebook which would be "cool"- yeah, he is 8 years old. (the video is coming this weekend) I suggested he get a matching gift, so dollars could be matched. He's working with us and some others on making this happen. We asked him (knowing the answer) what the money would be used for. This is what he said in his own words, "Project Rescue helps get people out of human trafficking and slavery, over in India and all over the world. There are bad people who take kids and do bad things to them. I want to help the kids be safe and rescue them. Africa's Hope is helping pastors get Bibles and books to tell people about Jesus. They don't have any supplies because they are poor, so I'm gonna help them." WOW!!!! So, my 8 year old son, just laid down awesomeness. Kind of hard to get mad about being up late at night when he comes up with that. All this comes as he is watching his pastor, John Miller, challenge the church kids to give to missions. We're on board to contribute and help him earn this $1,000. Being the little business minded-mission minded kid that he is, we told him the importance of working for it and then getting people to catch his vision. We told him if God gave him the vision and idea, then we will be of help and teach him the ways to go about raising and earning this money to help others. These websites give you more info on these phenomenal ministries he is trying to help:

Here is how you can get involved and help Luke's vision come to fruition:

Make Checks Payable to: ECC or (Evergreen Christian Community)
memo line: Project Rescue & Africa's Hope
send to:
Attn: Phil Wilson
1000 Black Lake Blvd
Olympia, WA 98502
*this is a gift to a non-profit and will be recorded as that for your tax purposes.
Any monies that come in will be turned by me, so I can help Luke track outside gifts. Luke is currently working on securing and trying to raise a matching gift(s) totaling $500.

All I know is when this gets to a point where he is unleashed in his endeavors to help people, it will be great to watch from our perspective. Thanks kid for challenging us to do more and to think big. Somehow I think this challenge is bigger than just me, but for a lot of people reading and hearing his vision.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Re-Alignment: My Life Appreciates You

As I cruise down the highway in my car, every once in a while I notice there is a need for my car to be re-aligned. Really this is about adjusting the proper orientation to line up in the right relationship that my car needs to run smoothly. IT means technically that if in alignment it will last longer. What I also realize as I race through life is sometimes I need to pull to the side and I need to RE-ALIGN my self. That is I need to adjust into proper relationship or orientation so I can be most effective. I have signs that tell me I am in need of realignment. They include laziness, exhaustion, sarcasm, quick to anger, tiredness, and pure lack of energy. These are like the gas light in my car that goes on its time to refuel. These act as signals to pull over, realign myself by choosing some form of activity like quite time, exercise, reading, solitude, a run by myself, a date with my wife, or special hangout time with my kids. I need a realignment every so often. It is good for the soul and state of mind. Sure I have things that keep me aligned, but every once in awhile there is a need to take care of myself. I have certain parameters that I put in my life to help me keep balanced, and every once in awhile something can derail me from that balance. Some of the tools I use to keep me balanced are a weekly schedule, a 6 x 6 project list, a Life Plan, a calendar system, and relationship with peoples. Just like a car which can pull to one side at even low rates of speed, I can find myself getting off track. This leads to wanting to lash out at everyone and everything that gets in my way. But more often than not, I am my best gauge for deciding when realignment is necessary. Recently I decided realignment was necessary-and let me tell you, afterwards I felt like a new man. So, what about you? What areas of your life do you need to think about realigning? Re-alignment in my life helps me appreciate life, loved ones, and time much more. So my advice to you is get realigned-it is a life lesson I have learned that is necessary for me to be at the top of my game as a husband, dad, friend, pastor, son, bro, leader, and coach.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Marriage these days is a hot topic if you want it and can't have it, or the fact that Hollywood relationships last as long as it takes for me to buy new underwear. This past weekend I was a part of my grandparents 60th Wedding Anniversary. 60 YEARS PEOPLE! It was super cool because it was basically a family reunion to celebrate two very special people in my life. My grandpa and grandma are two magnificent people. They have pastored churches up and down the West Coast and are retired super cool peeps now. Although, my grandpa still throws it down from God's Word at the place they live on a weekly basis to other active adults. 60 years with the same person, and some laugh that this notion is impossible. The fact is this is a model marriage because they built it on trust, love, faith, and God. Problem nowadays is a lot of people build theirs on lust, wants, no faith, and fraud. So let me break it down to you why my grandparents marriage rocks: they pray together, they still date, they put each other first, they still say I love you to each other, my grandpa knows how to treat a woman, and my grandma can bake for a guy who likes to eat. They also made this work because they had faith knowing that God would do some awesome things. My grandfather told me once that they lived on the floor of a church and lived on $5 bucks a week. They left some incredible examples for us as kids, grandkids, and now great grandkids. It was a thrill to see them smiling, holding hands, and loving that the people most dear to them-family and friends- were there to celebrate. As a matter of fact, some of the wedding party showed up to celebrate too. Totally cool weekend and a great example of how marriage should be done. When you see two old people (grandparents old) that are in love, you should stop them say thank you for being an example of marriage. I guarantee you, if you encounter a cute couple like my grandparents, wherever you live, hook them up with a dinner and listen, it is well worth the investment for you! The marriage formula-it does exist, you just have to encounter it.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Harsh Words SUCK

I learned early on in my life that people respond to you much better when you use words that are not harsh or rude. Now I wasn't a brawler, a fighter, and had no need to show any insecurity by being brash. There is a place for harsh words, there is also a tone. Harsh words spoken in the wrong tone, are normally ignored, or thoughts of how sad the life of the person being harsh must be. In the past, my harsh words came normally out of anger and the fact that I wanted respect. I had a friend say to me one time, that I probably would be respected more if I thought before I spoke. If I didn't rattle off statements I would have to backtrack or regret later. Many times, I have rattled off, or wanted to go off, on someone who needed to shut their pie hole....OK let me re-phrase that...I have had to confront some people who did not have the ability to speak their opinion in a matter that others wanted to listen too. Frankly because they were too harsh, brash, or rude. RUDE people often have issues anyway, which is a different blog, different day. Most times when "brash and harsh talkers, open their mouth", I have learned to shut people them out-as in their mouth is moving and I don't understand or hear a word they are saying, nor do I have a desire too. I don't even really like people like this. If I do have relationship with a person like this, I will pull them aside and say something. If not, I pray someone who does have relationship will let them know that speaking in love gets you farther in life, than being a blow hard with rudeness and harshness attached to your mouth. As I have matured and became a father I have learned to adjust my tones and be firm, frank, and loving. My kids actually respond better and funny friends do to. When I have let bitterness, frustration, anger, or any other trigger get the best of me, I find myself thinking about what that friend said to me, "people will respond to you when you speak firmly, and in love, rather than harshly and out of insecurity, anger, or bitterness." I'm not perfect, but I try to make this a life lesson stick, because how I respond says a lot about who I am, and what I stand for. Those who haven't caught this, probably don't have many friends, or soon won't. If you are HARSH(most don;t know, and the ones who do don;t care-just saying)...pull it together because people who speak up or out like this will not be heard. Plus people who are within ear shot of you blowing up, just lost respect for you. I am tempted to put a string of personalities that fit the bill here...but the fact is you can probably name them yourself. Remember HARSH words SUCK when spoken in the wrong tone.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Your Response...Means Something

Have you ever asked a question to someone in conversation, only to get no response, a glazed stare, or a look over your shoulder by the person who obviously is in another world? YES, we all have. I have also been the one who has been slow to respond-guilty on this end! Response is something that people look for. Whether it is an answer to a question, a movement toward a solution, or your ability to speak up and show you means something. Too many times in our life, I think those in leadership positions, forget that people are waiting for a response. Hello-turn on your news this week. People want action, not inaction; they want a phone message returned today, not tomorrow; they want a conversation, not silence; they want direction, not a map; they want eye contact, not a drive-by look-away; they want leadership to respond. A non-response is rude, and only leads to less respect from the person looking for the response. When you look at the interaction that Jesus had in His conversation, there was response immediately. He understood that response was vital for people. His direct conversations were poignant, and He delivered(no pun intended-but, on 2nd thought-yeah it was iintended.) As you go through your day, think about all the people who expect response from you: spouse, parent, kid, teacher, employer, employee, co-worker, friend, neighbor, and the list goes on and on. Now think of who you expect to respond. The worst thing you could do is remain silent and not respond at all. Especially when crisis is involved. It shows a lack of caring, a lack of concern to the specific need, and it means you are giving a signal that the person waiting a response is not important. In fact they may not be, but a telemarketer is different than someone wanting a response who you may care about. So, do those in your life a favor and make yourself look like you really care! Leaders show they care by response. So, the question is, Do you care enough?

Monday, June 7, 2010


This past week, I had the privilege to take a break from the crazy life I live. My wife and I were able to escape (minus the kids) for vacation. Although we have a family vacation-this is truly revolutionary, if you can pull it off. We were able too(thanks mom). Rest. Recreation. Relaxation. For me this includes the following: Sun. Chill Time. Good Eats. Random Routine. These are things I like on my vacation. Kickin' it in shorts, flip-flops and get some beach action is my retreat. It has always been important to me to take the time to get away from the normal pace of life and take a break. In life there are times that are necessary to reload, refuel, relax, and for my health(and yours) it is important to take these times. I have found that during these times, it is great to put yourself in a place where normal routine is wrecked. As a matter of fact, God built us with this need. He put it up there with "Don't Murder, Covet, etc..." It reads every 7th day take a rest. In these times there is opportunity for times of solitude, silence, not the normal routine, and conversations with people you may never see again. For me, I found R,R,&R this year over sunsets, beaches, and even a hammock(overlooking the Pacific Ocean). Rest & Relaxation should be a part of life. I know everyone has different ways this may take shape. I have friends that camp, I have friends that "timeshare", I have friends that work in their yard, or some who just take a few days to get out of the normal routine as they see it. Whatever it is for you, make sure that you take the time to refuel. If you don't eventually you get burnt out, tired, grow weary, restless, and potentially even become dissatisfied with what God has positioned you for.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

An Ex-Con's Plea for a Friend

Today I went to my office mailbox and found a letter intended for me. As soon as I saw the return name on the outside of the envelope, I had an inclination of who it may be from. As I opened the letter, I knew I was right on. I met a guy a few months back who I connected with in the lobby of our church. He was looking for someone(a pastor) to sign off on a release program form that allowed him to go to church on Sunday mornings. I offered to sign it and over the course of two months signed off every Sunday and struck up a first name basis friendship and conversation week to week. This past weekend at church I realized that for the past few weeks I have not had the privilege to sign any forms and hadn't seen this guy, and the friends he started bringing with him. At last count he was bringing 3 other friends, and sat in the same spot every week. Today, the letter was to tell me that he had been moved and in the process got real discouraged and was reaching out for a friend(apparently one of his only) and encouragement. I realized that although my connection was limited in my view, the connection for him was huge. He wanted prayer, he wanted encouragement, he wanted direction, and he wanted a friend. His letter indicated he had no family or friends and I interpreted his letter to say, you are my friend, HELP. It got me thinking of how many times we(I) may take for granted the fact that people really value you(me)! I sat down and wrote a hand written letter because I figured it would be more powerful than a letter I could crank out on a keyboard in 2 minutes. I also took some devotional thoughts that have been an encouragement to me this year and then offered a prayer for him. It made me think about how fortunate I am to have friends, and at the same time how many people I know who really don't. It is sad, but true. I also realized that God puts people in my life at times I may not naturally be-friend (for whatever reason), and that by me being a friend, or friendly, may make a huge impression in someone else's life. Those are the friends I would want anyway, no matter what a past may look like, God doesn't care, and neither should I. Today, I realized I had a friend in someone who counts me as one of their only friends, and I value that because if I was looking for a friend, I would want and need a person to encourage me-just as a friend. SO, I am down with that! Would you be too?

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Terrified? Not Even Close!

Have you ever had a terrifying life situation? Maybe even a nightmare that woke you up breathing heavy and in a cold sweat? I am not sure I can honestly say, I have been terrified to the degree where I thought my life may end, or scared enough to know that I was in extreme danger. I did once have a panic attack; and another time was scared enough not to get in a pool after going to SeaWorld as a kid. I have been terrified for split seconds in my life though, most of them happening in the age 7-13 stage of life. Life may bring some of these things my way someday, and if I ran into a cougar or grizzly bear as I ran, I maybe would freeze up, I guess those sceanrios would terrify me. Today as I was reading my Bible I came across a passage of scripture that time and time again, when I read it I am reminded of God's awesomeness. In Deuteronomy, God is in the process of reminding the people that they are HIS chosen people. They may be few in numbers (comparatively speaking) but God's hand is upon them-for this reason they need not be TERRIFIED! He is saying, "you may be outnumbered, they may be stronger even, BUT...That is a big BUT, because He then reminds them of the miracles, signs, and wonders that took place, and the MIGHTY ARM that was protecting them as they were brought out of slavery and affliction. HE then goes on to remind them that He will DRIVE out any nation that gets in their way. He is a GREAT & MIGHTY GOD, that is the reminder that you cannot forget. Read Through Deuteronomy 7 today, and be encouraged. GOD is in control and He reminds us "don't be terrified by them, because The Lord Your God is awesome and mighty." So whatever is in front of you and is terrifying you, use this as an encouragement to move past this moment, knowing God is watching over you! We serve a God that is protective of His children.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

I Know A LEADER when I see One

Today I witnessed an unselfish act in the midst of a busy day. I have a friend, I'll choose to remain nameless, because that is the way he would like it. This friend is a true servant. This friend is a legit servant and I witnessed it when standing next to him today. He was grabbing a napkin at a local joint, when he decided to clean the counter that was in front of him. It took 10 seconds and he was cleaning up to make a business look better. This friend was not an employee of the joint we were at, but he has a servant's heart and what I saw spoke volumes to me. No one would have seen him, no one gave him a pat on the back, and no one offered to pay him for cleaning up a mess that was not his. However, in my mind I noticed it and thought to myself this is a true leader. He is a leader to people based on his title at the company he works for, his role he plays in the local church he attends, and the family he loves. I could walk with this man in certain settings and people would recognize him and even greet him. YES, this man is a leader. However, deep down this man is a leader not because of title or position, but because he serves. This little role of servanthood that I witnessed today got this man to where he was (that and God ordaining his every footstep). I walked away from our time together with this in mind- everyday I choose to not be a servant in certain settings because life is crazy busy and I sometimes don't take the time to serve in little ways. I hope it would be said of me someday, that everytime I noticed a need to serve in a small role and I decided to get my hands dirty without recognition, I stepped up to do it. So, what about you serving?

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Goals for Life- 18 years later!!

This past week, I went through a box that my parents delivered to me from their garage. In this box were trophies, some old assignments, and binders from school, and leadership materials. I happened upon a list of goals that I wrote out September of 1992. This was heading into my Senior Year of High School. I have always been goal oriented as it has helped me aim for targets in my life. As I looked through the list they were broken into the following categories: physical, spiritual, leadership, and personal. The goals included some of the following: to have a great Senior year in basketball, finish in the top 3 of my class, get a 4.0, do devotions daily, make new students feel welcome to the school, be a leader in my youth group, and a few more that were both classic and fun to re-read. As I reflected on these goals 18 years later, it was fun to see what was accomplished and what was not. The 4.0 did not happen, but I have to admit-my senior year of high school was super fun. I did finish in the top 3 of my class, and my basketball season as a team-sucked, as an individual was good enough to get some league recognition-but the team was what mattered to me. I was a leader in my youth group and eventually led as the pastor the same one-8 years later. Goals still play a role in my life all these years later. As a matter of fact some of these goals have morphed over time, but the underlying point behind the goals still stand today. I want to give my best, I want to love people, I want to continue to spend time in God's Word, and I want make sure that health is a priority in my life, so that I may do what God has intended me to do for a long time.
I'm a family man now...I have a beautiful wide, amazing kids, and responsibilities as the leader of my home. I hope I can instill in my kids and my friends the drive that keeps them aiming for excellence. Goals in life are grand, once you accomplish them there are new ones to thinkk of. 18 years after writing that list it gave me a flash back, and also a reminder to flash forward with a list of new goals to aim for. GOALS- do you have any? Are they written out anywhere, or stuck in the back of your brain? Now is a good time to write them out! (and keep them in front of you)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Live Long and PROSPER- from neither a Trekkie nor Vulcan

The title of this blog comes from the Vulcan salute. This much I know, but I will go on record that the only thing Star Trek I have sat down to watch or even really liked was the updated version of the movie that hit theaters last year. Vulcan I am not, Star Trek fan-NO, stayed at the same hotel as a Star Trek convention-actually YES, and it was weird I may add (or at least the people there were-just bein' honest folks.) "Live Long & Prosper" is a great line though. Live Long- is a desire most people would have, at least I do; and the "prosper" portion of the phrase is a promise of thriving, flourishing, excelling and achieving. So, really this phrase and salute, if you will, can read "Stick around a while and while you do, why don't you expend yourself to thrive, excel, go to the next level." So, sad to say but Mr. Spock really had a way of encouraging people I guess. Actually long before Leonard Nimoy dressed up and started dropping this line, the likes of Moses, David, and Isaiah gave us the same pep talk regarding God's desire for us. Here are some examples of this found in God's Word:
Genesis 39:2
The LORD was with Joseph and he prospered…

Deuteronomy 6:24
The LORD commanded us to obey all these decrees and to fear the LORD our God,
so that we might always prosper and be kept alive, as is the case today.

Job 8:7
Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be.

Psalm 1:1-3
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked
or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers.
But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night.
He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season
and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.

Psalm 128:2
You will eat the fruit of your labor; blessings and prosperity will be yours.

Proverbs 8:17-19
I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.
With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity.

Isaiah 55:11 (NLT)
It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit.
It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.

So based on these words, I being a non-trekkie or non-vulcan, would like to say to you, "Live long & Prosper...because with God leading your life it is a promise for you. Now choose to strive, thrive, and excel in all you do, and do it all for the Glory of God." Peace Out (insert the little two finger peace salute here rather than the traditional vulcan one, because really it's the same thing-just easier.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Who Cares?

Have you ever wondered, if anyone really cares?...About you?...What you say?...something you messed up on... Have you been in a conversation with someone and as they talk, you wonder...really, who cares? I believe that many people live with this reality that no one cares about them. The truth is many people probably care. Many people walk through life and feel as if no one cares, it is sad, but true. As a kid I said numerous times, "I don't care", or "No one really cares." In fact, a few times I remember saying it rather compassionately. Scripture tells us there is ONE who cares. As you read through the God's Word-the Bible you will see that care can be defined as, God’s commitment of concern, regard and oversight for those who love Him. Here are a few places we see the value of God's care for each of us:

You gave me life and showed me your unfailing love. My life was preserved by your care. Job 10:12 (NLT)
For the strength of the wicked will be shattered, but the Lord takes care of the godly. Psalm 37:17 (NLT)
Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker;
for he is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care. Psalm 95:6-7
I cared for you in the desert, in the land of burning heat. Hosea 13:5
The LORD is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him, Nahum 1:7
Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7
I am writing to all who have been called by God the Father, who loves you and keeps you safe in the care of Jesus Christ. Jude 1:1 (NLT)

So, if you are walking through life today, and wonder if anyone really cares...well, someone actually does. Enough to send his Son into the world to die...just for you!

Monday, April 12, 2010


As a kid, I remember the importance of the BUDDY RULE that came into play on field trips. We always had an adult, and always had a buddy. I have been fortunate to have 2 buddies that have been in my life for 22 years. This past week all three of us, with our wives, vacationed together(minus the kids). BONUS, I may add. The boys have had guys weekends for years now, but the wives along for the trip was a first. It was a blast. We raced go-karts, walked the beaches of So. Cal, ate a lot, played video games, accompanied our wives into the outlet malls, and talked business. As I reflect on the week away, I realize that as a buddy, I have the right to come alongside and can ask accountability questions. As a buddy, I am expected too. These buddies of mine have the right to ask any question to keep me accountable to them, and I hope they continue. The questions to be asked relate to finances, relationship with God, relationship with my wife, my family, and keeping my moral values in check. Buddies should be a part of your life to have fun and as you build relationship. We have a great friendship that is carried on through the use of the phone and internet weekly. Buddies rule and it is important to have them in your life. We connected as kids at church, and life has brought us plenty of adventure over the years. The buddy system is put in effect to keep you safe and making sure that you don't wander off. The same can be said for my buddies today-even though we are adults the system can and should still operate the same-just on an adult level. One thing I take away after this past week is that BUDDIES RULE!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

TRUST me on this...

There are not too many people I trust. However, I do have people I trust with my life. Trust is a lost art in the world of one-upping another, gossipping, betraying, unreal, hidden agenda, and attention-getting culture we live in. The generation we are a part of right now-has trust issues. Blame whoever you want: friends, mom, dad, politicians, teachers, preachers, and Presidents. Trust is to live with undeniable confidence and faith in someone. I have those people in my life that I can trust to call me out when needed, correct me when needed, and be straight up real with me whether I need it or not. That is why I trust them-they are looking out for me. They want me to be the best version of myself I can be.
The Bible is pretty clear on the fact that we can put our TRUST in GOD. Here are some great words to meditate on regarding this thought:

Psalm 9:10
Those who know your name will trust in you, for you,
LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.

Psalm 20:7
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Psalm 37:5
Commit your way to the LORD; trust in him and he will do this:

Psalm 62:8
Trust in him at all times, O people; pour out your hearts to him, for God is our refuge.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Isaiah 12:2
Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.

John 14:1
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.

Romans 10:11
As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame."

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Go Ahead, Make My Day!

I find it important to go out of my way to make someone's day. I do this because I know how much I appreciate it when someone make's mine. Sometimes I know the person who made it because they make themselves known, other times it may come as an anonymous surprise. Recently I have tried to be intentional about the concept. It doesn't come out of selfish reasoning, it doesn't come out of pride, it comes out of the fact that I find joy in it. Have you ever met a genuinely nice person(possibly a stranger) who made your day by greeting you, making you laugh, paying for your coffee habit, or just happened to put you first? I have met people like that and because of them, I want to make sure the way they made me feel, is reciprocated in how I am. I have a friend who makes my day when he calls me, just to say he was wondering how I was doing. You've heard the phrase, "Go ahead, make my day." It was actually voted on in 2005, as the 6th most quoted and recognizable movie line in AFI history, from the movie Sudden Impact. That is what I want encourage you with today- think about making someone's day, just because you can, not because it will bring you great reward. Be creative, be simple, be you! Today, my day was made by sitting with a bunch of 2nd graders eating lunch and helping in their class. Then I was invited out to play kickball on recess. Pretty cool and pretty out of my normal routine...but definitely worth it. So go ahead, make someone's day! BECAUSE YOU CAN.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


IF you could fill in the remaining title of this blogpost you may come up with a number of thoughts or statements. Today I was challenged by a brilliant business mind, Gary Hamel, on how INNOVATION takes place in the marketplace and the church. The TAKE-AWAY for me was this thought: Innovation efforts start with unpacking traditions without loosing core foundations. In the church, just like the marketplace, we cannot lose the foundations on which the church was built, but we can be innovative in our efforts to push the church forward. The idea of Apple was presented. Apple computers is a company that has capitalized on 4 industries in recent years that were out of Apple's market 10 years ago. They decided that they would take industry standards and make a better product and innovation to push products. That they did. They are the number one company for music sales thanks to the introduction of itunes. They hold the NO. 1 position for the computer sales market for computers over $1,000. They also are now a top retailer of merchandise by opening APPLE Stores throughout the globe. Innovation in the church must start by unpacking traditions and seeing how we can take the message of Jesus Christ to a hurting world using new methods and innovations. Technology is obvious one of those ways, but it is just one way. We have to think outside in. Step away from the inside of the church, and see what it would look like to stand on the outside of the church and see how we can be more effective. The foundations of the church are solid, now we just have to find a way to build on those foundations that let us use our creativity and innovative minds. There are ways this must be done, to advance the Kingdom of God. So let the innovation efforts my friend play an important role. 10 years ago the most innovative tools were not even on the radar of culture yet. Let's see what the next 10 years hold, but lets not wait, lets make it happen.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Noble: A Lost Word in A Lost Culture

When you hear the word 'noble' ring through your eardrums, it may spark imagery of castles, knights in shining armor, royalty, or an English countryside. Nobility refers to grandeur or magnificence; state or quality of being noble; or a class of body in a country. The word noble speaks of possessing high moral qualities. The fact is we don't hear the word tied to too many in our culture today, because it is a lacking quality in many. But WHY? Throughout the Bible we see the word used to describe those with high morals. Ruth is described as a woman of noble character, the woman in Proverbs 31 is alluded as one who surpasses many noble women, and "happy is the land whose King is a noble leader" Ecc. 10:17.
If there were words that would be used to describe me, I would hope that "NOBLE" is one that would come to mind. Culture is filled with imperfect people who are full of themselves, but our culture also is filled with noble, righteous, and integrous people. The fact is-the noble one's don't always make the news because they are...well, noble. They possess high moral quality, and therefore must not be news worthy. After all NOBLE people don't really sell magazines, it is the scandalous rebel who will normally sell more. (unless it is a story of heroism that is involved, but heroism and nobility are different.) A few weeks ago I hung a scripture verse next to my desk to memorize.

Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Today as I re-read the verse and say the word 'NOBLE', it puts in perspective the type of man I aim to be. Most of us don't use this word in our everyday vocabulary, because "noble" has become unpopular, forgotten, and missed by many. I hope that as a culture we can go back to the times when nobility was used in naming people, groups, cultures, and systems. Nobility may not bring accolades or attention why you live on this earth, but that is OK. The gospel of Luke says "But the seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop." If being noble produces a 'crop' as referred to in scripture then, YES I want to be NOBLE. A lost word for many in our culture, but hopefully not you!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hallelujah-it's fun to say for so many reasons!

Hallelujah, it was a word that I was introduced too early on in life. I heard people sing it, verbalize it, and pray with it. For the past 3 decades singers from all genres have released songs with this word in the title. One version, written by Cohen and sung by Buckley, was recorded in 1994, and was in the TOP 5 on charts all over the word as recent as 2008. The word HALLELUJAH is a word with Latin & Hebrew roots that is a universal word meaning an expression of joy and praise to God. Throughout scripture you will find word being used to honor God for victory, glory, His goodness, and for His mighty reign. As a kid I used to say it because it was a fun word, and really like the song where we did hand motions using the word in children's church on Sundays. Now I have a different appreciation for it, because I understand it beyond a song or hand motions. I can say Hallelujah for many things in my life. Here is a prayer my father wrote using the word. Read it and personalize it for you today:

Hallelujah for your salvation.
Hallelujah for the power of the Holy Spirit.
Hallelujah for your peace in my storms.
Hallelujah for your provision for every need.
Hallelujah for the music you have sent my way to lift my spirits.
Hallelujah for my family that continues to encourage me daily.
Hallelujah for my friends that cheer me on.
Hallelujah, that Jesus is Lord of my life.
Hallelujah, Amen! Amen!

When I read that prayer and apply it to my day and express my joy and praise to God, it already makes it a good day. Hallelujah, it is a word with great meaning, its fun to say, and it is bringing praise to God who deserves it. So, dwell on this word for today, and apply it as you live your day out!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Supply and demand is a basic economic model to help determine price and is really the backbone for the economy. It is the most basic fundamental concept. The word 'supply' is a Biblical word that speaks of God's promise to provide and meet all of your needs. I remember of a few occasions where I have seen God's supply in my life and in our family's life. I have stories that would fill a blog a day for years. A few years ago we were coming off of 4 months of no work and our bank account was dwindling. We knew we needed something and so did God. One day, in a local coffee shop, we had a guy give us 2 gift cards to a local grocery store. It was one of those 'Wow God' moments. I had seen them before and even been a recipient of those moments before, but this one was different. Later that day we had someone stop by our house and drop off another gift card to the same grocery store. It was God's way of saying that day, "Don't worry I will supply every need." Supply God did, because the total of those gift cards carried us through to the first pay check at our new place of employment. SUPPLY- God did, DEMAND- was not even in the conversation, it was simple we needed a miracle. In the Biblical use of this word and related to God, it is not a partnership or a model like it is in the marketplace. When we demand something, God does not just supply it. In the business model there are words thrown around such as marginal cost, demand curve, supply curve, etc.... The model that involves God is simple...God supplies. There are no stipulations, schedules, or widgets. God knows how much you need when you need it and is able to provide it according to His plan. As a matter of fact there is one Hebrew name of God that is for this specific concept: Yahweh Yireh. It was the name Abraham gave Him for providing a ram. You can fully know that wherever you are in your life call out to God and let Him provide. Remember where your supply comes from and be reminded of today of God's miracles in your life. Supply and demand works for us in the marketplace of life, but with our relationship with God-it's just SUPPLY.

Below are verses that you can meditate on that will reinforce this factor of supply in your life:

Psalm 104:27-28 (NLT)
They all depend on you to give them food as they need it.
When you supply it, they gather it. You open your hand to feed them,
and they are richly satisfied.

Psalm 147:8
He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills.

2 Corinthians 9:10
Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply
and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.

Philippians 4:19 (KJV)
And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

Hebrews 13:20-22
May the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant
brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep,
equip (supply) you with everything good for doing his will,
and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ,
to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.

1 Peter 4:11 (NLT)
Do you have the gift of speaking? Then speak as though God himself were speaking through you. Do you have the gift of helping others? Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies. Then everything you do will bring glory to God through Jesus Christ. All glory and power to him forever and ever! Amen.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Why Chaos Happens!

Chaos can be both something that is fun to be a part of(I'm thinking a crowd of people cheering for a team) or something that can be very tragic. This past weekend, I was a part of something that could have been chaotic for me and my entire family. I happened to be driving to an event for pastors. I passed the church I was headed to and decided to turn around. As I did, this car came up on my bumper and literally stopped me. I was a little shocked. Out ofc the corner of my eye, I had caught a teenage kid waiting by a school. Before I knoew what to do-this guy who could easily have been a lineman for most professional football teams jumps out of his car, and walks toward mine. I rolled my window down in a cool fashion and was like, what's up man? (mind you I'm 6' and a buck 85 wet. He said, and I am not even joking- "did you pull guns on my kid?" The first give away should have been the car seats in the back of my ride, because I roll hard core as a dad! I was like "no dude unless you are talking about my arms", and then I dropped I'm a pastor line. That one works although I only pull it out if I am feeling threatened and for a split second I did. NOt syaing it works, and I have only used it maybe one other time in my life. By that time the kid was like "Dad, wrong car, wrong guy, dad." In an instant I was ready to roll the guy if I needed. He apologized and shook my hand and apologized again. It got me thinking though-this is why are society is all jacked up-because people don't think before the act. Retaliation happens because emotions can threats are not held in check. As I drove away I said you need any help, and the dad said, "no man, I got some friends." The rest of the day went on without any gunshots being heard, but I'm just saying-chaos is crazy!

Monday, February 22, 2010

Some Kind of WONDERFUL!

Have you ever stood atop of a waterfall and took in the brilliance? Have you ever star gazed and been amazed at the vastness of the universe? Have you ever observed a sunset or sunrise that took your breath away? Sometimes I stop and am stunned by the creation of GOD. What I really stop and do is think of how WONDERFUL God is. It can be described as God’s breathtaking and brilliant expressions of love. Whether the love is for you or me, I love to soak up God's wonderfulness. Scripture uses this word on a few occasions and in each scenario it becomes clear that in each sense of God being wonderful...I am to praise and give thanks for what He has done, created, brought me through, or even how He has loved me. Look at these key scriptures below and see where you can find how WONDERFUL God is in your life, and then Praise Him for your life, health, and the things important to you. There is only one God, and HE is Wonderful! That is brilliant, vast, amazing, breath taking, and He is LOVE.

1 Chronicles 16:9
Sing to him, sing praise to him; tell of all his wonderful acts.

Psalm 31:21
Praise be to the LORD, for he showed his wonderful love to me when I was in a besieged city.

Psalm 37:37 (NLT)
Look at those who are honest and good, for a wonderful future awaits those who love peace.

Psalm 107:8
Let them give thanks to the LORD for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men,

Psalm 139:14
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Romans 8:31 (NLT)
What shall we say about such wonderful things as these?
If God is for us, who can ever be against us?

1 Peter 1:6
So be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead,
even though you have to endure many trials for a little while.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Drive & Live Forward, Not in Reverse

One of the best stories I have heard was of a friend named Jim. Jim was wanting to get to church so bad, but his car was not cooperating. You see, it would not drive forward. But as Jim was playing around he realized it would go in reverse. So, Jim got in his car and started on his across town trek to church with his car in reverse. Yes, he drove in reverse the whole way...until he was stopped by a police officer who had to be laughing when the explanation was given. I'm sure this was talk over the next police gathering. Let's just say Jim, is one of a kind. Knowing Jim, he told the police officer about Jesus and said church was important for him to get too. The officer must of liked what he heard, because Jim got a full police escort from this police officer to church that morning. Jim, a legend of his own kind. Reverse may be fun, but we are designed to live our life looking forward. Forward thinking is about making positive progress and advancement. In Nehemiah, scripture reminds us it was a pillare of fire that led them forward at night; and in Job it tells us the righteous keep moving forward. In life there will come times when we may have to go in reverse, but just in the story of Jim, someone will stop and tell you, "Hey buddy, you were designed to go forward." So as you walk forward today dwell on the passages of scripture that keep us moving forward. Look to apply them to whatever situation may cause you to think in reverse, so you can live life driving with forward thinking.

Nehemiah 9:19 (NLT)
“But in your great mercy you did not abandon them to die in the wilderness.
The pillar of cloud still led them forward by day,
and the pillar of fire showed them the way through the night.

Job 17:9
The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger.

Psalm 143:10 (NLT)
Teach me to do your will, for you are my God.
May your gracious Spirit lead me forward on a firm footing.

Proverbs 11:23 (NLT)
The godly can look forward to a reward, while the wicked can expect only judgment.

Isaiah 58:8 (NLT)
“Then your salvation will come like the dawn, and your wounds will quickly heal.
Your godliness will lead you forward, and the glory of the Lord will protect you from behind.

Philippians 3:13 (NLT)
I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing:
Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead,

Hebrews 6:3 (NLT)
And so, God willing, we will move forward to further understanding.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Best Tour Guide Ever

The first tour guide that I ever remember was when I stepped into a boat to explore the jungle in the far away country called Disneyland. The tour guide saved me from hippos, gorillas, and piranhas. He cracked a few jokes and made me laugh as a little kid. I've had a few tour guides in my life in different venues. There were tour guides for me in Chile, Poland, England, D.C., and a slew of national parks. The BEST TOUR Guide has been the One who guides my future and gives me guidance according to His will for my life. Throughout life there have been opportunities to walk paths. Some places in life have given me a number of paths to choose from, but through God's divine guidance, He has directed me to one specific pathway over another. These pathways range from my decision to switch high schools after my sophomore year, college decisions, career decisions, and family decisions. I am reminded today of Psalm 32:8 "The Lord says, “I will guide you along the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Throughout scripture you will find the words "path" or "pathway". In each instance there is God either in the forefront or backdrop directing the psalmist, the prophets, the disciples, and the Word reminds us that He also there directing your PATHWAY today. Some of you may feel like you are in a wilderness place, if you find yourself there today, take some time to reflect and meditate on Isaiah 43:19. If you want a future that was intended for YOU specifically, LISTEN to the best tour guide ever! The key word in the last sentence was listen. To start the tour read the passage of scripture below and sit back and enjoy the ride, because God has an incredible tour for you!

Psalm 16:11
You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Psalm 23:3
He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Psalm 25:4
Show me your ways, O LORD, teach me your paths;

Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.

Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

Isaiah 43:19 (NLT)
For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it?
I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland.

Acts 2:28
You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Florence Price has seen a lot in her lifetime. She was a child as bombs dropped in her hometown of London in WWII. She raised 4 kids as her husband traveled and preached around the world. Later in her life she herself traveled all over Europe, Africa, Canada, Australia, Hawaii and all the other states of the Union. I got to spend lots of time with her over the years and talk on the phone to her regularly. She has been a pillar of faith for our entire family. As a youth pastor I had her come in and share stories of miracles, signs, and wonders to our youth. She has been a part of seeing the blind see, the lame walk, the dead rise again, and cancers healed. YES- she has seen first hand all those things take place. God has used her in mighty ways. Today she celebrates her 21st birthday for the 70th time. She is still quick to point out God's provision, God's healing power, and the Power of the Holy Spirit at work in lives. She has told me stories that only God could work out and has a faith that I long and hope for. She still has a ton of friends and is considered royalty in some circles-and rightfully so. Born and raised in England, she has seen God at work through generations. So today I salute my hero, FLORENCE KATHERINE PRICE. Happy Birthday NANA- you are loved and your faith has encouraged me time and time again.

They Will Know When You Don't Pray Right

Tonight I prayed with my kids as we do every night. I was in my son's room praying and at the end of the prayer he said, "dad you have to pray over, you prayed wrong." My prayer was actually good, I thought. What he meant was that I didn't pray a prayer I have started to pray regularly in our nightly routine. Every night for the last year I have prayed over each of my kids the following out of scripture: I pray that they will wear the Armor of God- the Helmet of Salvation; The Belt of Truth; The Shoes of the Gospel of Peace; The Breastplate of Righteousness; The Sword of the Spirit; and the Shield of Faith. This night I failed to do so, and got called on it. I make sure that they understand what each one means and every night change it up to give a description of what that should look like in our lives. I want to make sure it is not routine, but I have learned that it has become memorable by the fact that if I don't include it in my nightly prayer, then they include it for me. It brings me joy that my kids are learning the importance of prayer and applying it to their lives. That right there makes this dad real happy.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

GO with the OVERFLOW!

We've all done it. We all have filled a glass or cup with soda and not taking into account the angle in which we pour or the fizz factor and what we get next is a whole lotta soda overflowing. Even as you read it, an image of it just came to your mind. Overflow in those situations can be annoying and ridiculous. I remember the first time I house sat, overflowing the dishwasher because I put the wrong soap in the dispenser. (Yeah, that was just dumb.) There is an OVERFLOW worth getting in on though. Overflow can be described throughout scripture as God’s abundant provision and blessing beyond natural limits. YES- that is the overflow I'm wanting to see happen in my life and those around me. I know there are times in my life that I need God to step in and let the overflow happen. Here are some great verses to meditate on regarding overflow:
Psalm 23:5
You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies.
You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.
Psalm 65:11
You crown the year with your bounty, and your carts overflow with abundance.
Psalm 119:171
May my lips overflow with praise, for you teach me your decrees.
Proverbs 3:9-11
Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the first fruits of all your crops;
then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine.
Luke 6:45
For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.
Romans 15:13
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him,
so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Overflow can be defined as runneth over, a place where there is over abundance and so much extra that there is no containment. When there is a need to be met that seems impossible-I pray for overflow. I ask for overflow in my connections, overflow in my efforts, and overflow in my responsibilities. God is more than enough and when we let Him OVERFLOW our lives, we stop trying to make overflow happen, and let God work. Overflow is about trust & hope-both which are hard to find in many people today. So, I ask you is overflow evident in your life or have you even ever asked for it? I say, "Go with the OVERFLOW." If I can live my life with an overflow of Joy, Trust, Hope, Peace, and Love...then the OVERFLOW of God in my life will be evident to others-and that my friends is beneficial for all involved. SO, Go with the OVERFLOW!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Life & Ministry Lessons- Sustainability

I am grateful to have people around me that encourage me in my faith and build me up when I need it most. These people are called SUSTAINERS. They give me support and strength and sometimes don't even know they are doing it. The word SUSTAIN is found in the Bible multiple times and is used to show God's given support and strength. It also speaks to the want and ability to walk with us through difficult times. I am big on the idea of having these people in my life, and I am even bigger on having God be the ultimate sustainer through trials and tribulations. In my life I have seen plenty of trials. This past week, our Pastor announced his resignation from the church he has led for 10 years. This left many of our church community with many different feelings. The beauty of our church is there are those raised in the church tradition and those who are new Christ followers in the last 8 years. One group who has been there done that, and for others this transition brings many questions. As we begin to walk through this transition as a community, this is a word of encouragement to any life situation that you need understanding of. The one thing that we can hold onto is the SUSTAINING power of GOD. Through scripture we see some great passages that use phrases found in Ruth 4:15- He will renew your life and sustain you…; Psalm 3:5- I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.; Psalm 18:35-You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me; you stoop down to make me great.;Psalm 54:4- Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me. Psalm 55:22-Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous fall. Psalm 119:116-Sustain me according to your promise, and I will live; do not let my hopes be dashed. Isaiah 46:4-I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you..
These passages bring hope to my future and I know God will see me through. His sustaining power is more comforting than anything, and as you walk through life's valleys, know you can call on one who sustains you through them. As you read this be reminded that life will bring you ups and downs, and God will sustain you as you call upon Him. I learned early on that I cannot rely on myself, nor should I rely on others all the time. I choose to carry the words of scripture with me that encourage me and remind me of God's ability to SUSTAIN! Sustain through any thing big or small. Apply this to your life this week, as you reflect on how God has sustained you or maybe how God will continue to sustain you through a new adventure.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Life & Ministry Lessons- ZIP IT

A few weeks ago I got to observe someone telling my son to "ZIP IT", as in his mouth. This person was an authoritative figure and had the right to do so, and I stood to the side and smiled as it happened. The only thing Luke was guilty of was talking...too much...and out of turn. One thing I have learned in life is that I sometimes need to "ZIP IT". I need to listen instead of trying to have an answer for every question, conversation, and opinion. If you know me, you know that I have the gift of gab. Luke did not fall too far from the tree. Jenelle and I joke, because we are in a small group where I rank 3rd in the group on the gift of over-speaking. This has been a rare occurence in my life time. I remember raising my hand in class as a 4th grader just to say "I forgot what I wanted to say, but I did have something to say." As I walk through my daily routine, there are moments when I sit in silence or solitude and for all better purposes SHUT UP. I listen. For me to be tuned into what God wants to say to me or even through me, I have to shut everything down and out, so I can hear. When I say, "speak for your servant is listening", I am committed to listen for what may be said. God speaks to people in many different ways and I find that with all the noise in our life, no wonder so many people miss out on what is being said. This is a life and minsitry lesson I have had to learn, and I'll admit it has been hard at times because I feel sometimes there is a need to speak up, but I've learned it is far better to just ZIP IT at times. Deuteronomy 30:20 says, "And that you may love the LORD your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the LORD is your life." Today, start to practice listening for what God may say to you. To apply this, read His WORD, and then sit in silence for 5 minutes and listen, listen, and you will see through His Word, His Voice, His stirring in your spirit that you will be blessed when you listen and respond accordingly. Peace Out My Friend and do God a favor, zip it, for your benefit not mine.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Life & Ministry Lessons 101- Discernment

I have found that life brings you to a place sometimes where insight and understanding are learned and needed. Life brings "situations" that are sometimes welcomed and sometimes not. I have learned that my first response to open my mouth and say something is not always the appropriate time, or what I have to say is not always going to be received the way it was intended. I will admit my inner response to sometimes punch someone in the face would not be that well received either. Throughout my 14 years in ministry there is one area that has been a growth area for me; not just in ministry but in 34 years of a husband, dad, brother, son, friend, student, coach, and neighbor. That growth area is DISCERNMENT. It is a word found numerous times in scripture and can be defined as-God given insight and understanding for life. Throughout the WORD you will see kings, prophets, and apostles ask for it, pray for it, and use it. I love the use of it in Proverbs where it is related to learning and gaining knowledge. If I can continue to discern my initial reactions to events, people, and concerns, then I will be a better person for it. I, too, pray that I can have a discerning spirit when God is trying to get me to gain insight with every situation, or comment needing to be said and heard, or whether it is my kid vying for my undivided attention. It is something that I have had to grow in, and I count it as a life & ministry lesson. Here are some key places in scripture that are worth reading as I challenge you to put into action the use of discernment:

1 Kings 3:9
So give your servant a discerning heart…

Psalm 119:169 (NLT)
O Lord, listen to my cry; give me the discerning mind you promised.

Proverbs 1:5
Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance-

Proverbs 15:14
The discerning heart seeks knowledge,

Daniel 2:21
He changes times and seasons; he sets up kings and deposes them.
He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.

Hosea 14:9
Who is wise? He will realize these things. Who is discerning? He will understand them. The ways of the LORD are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.

Philippians 1:9-10
And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless until the day of Christ,

Meditate on these verses and let this life lesson soak in today.

A Prayer for YOU
Father you know all things and you do all things well.
In spite of the mountain before me, I know I can over come it with your help.
I will lift my voice in worship to you.
I pray today, that I will have a discerning heart.
I ask that you will give me insight to make good decisions.
I pray that I will know the truth and that I will walk in wisdom.
Continue to bring healing and hope in the days ahead.
In the might and powerful name of Jesus, Amen!